Climb down admitting truth at this weeks bookstudy

by stillajwexelder 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillajwexelder


    km11/06p.7 Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand!*** Feb. 26 Chap. 6 ¶17–Chap. 7 ¶7


    km9/06p.3 Adjustments for the Book Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand!***


    30,12,replace sixth sentence with: Finally, Roman Emperor Constantine gave state approval to the "Christian" religion, and this led to the development of Christendom, where Church and State joined forces in ruling for a thousand years.


    32,box,replace first paragraph with: Jesus was baptized and anointed as King-Designate at the Jordan River about October 29 C.E. Three and a half years later, in 33 C.E., he came to Jerusalem’s temple and threw out those who were making it a cave of robbers. There appears to be a parallel to this in the three-and-a-half-year period from Jesus’ enthronement in the heavens in October 1914 until his coming to inspect professed Christians as judgment began with the house of God. (Matthew 21:12, 13; 1 Peter 4:17) Early in 1918 the Kingdom activity of Jehovah’s people met with great opposition. It was a time of testing earth wide, and fearful ones were sifted out. In May 1918 Christendom’s clergy instigated the imprisonment of officials of the Watch Tower Society, but nine months later these were released. Later, the false charges against them were dropped. From 1919 the organization of God’s people, tried and refined, moved zealously forward to proclaim Jehovah’s Kingdom by Christ Jesus as the hope for mankind.—Malachi 3:1-3.

    Finally admitting they were not completely exonerated

  • stillajwexelder

    this is the full study



    17 In his parable of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus foretold the time of darkness that would exist while Christendom reigned supreme. Nevertheless, through all the centuries of apostasy, there would exist individual wheatlike Christians, genuine anointed ones. (Matthew 13:24-29, 36-43) Thus, when the Lord’s day dawned in October 1914, there were still true Christians on earth. (Revelation 1:10) It appears that Jehovah came to his spiritual temple for judgment about three and a half years later, in 1918, accompanied by Jesus as his "messenger of the covenant." (Malachi 3:1; Matthew 13:47-50) It was time for the Master to reject finally the false Christians and to appoint ‘the faithful and discreet slave over all his belongings.’—Matthew 7:22, 23; 24:45-47.

    18 It was also time for this slave to give special attention to the things written in Jesus’ messages to the seven congregations, as we see from what is stated therein. For example, Jesus refers to his coming to judge the congregations, which judgment began in 1918. (Revelation 2:5, 16, 22, 23; 3:3) He speaks of protecting the Philadelphia congregation from "the hour of test, which is to come upon the whole inhabited earth." (Revelation 3:10, 11) This "hour of test" arrives only with the dawning of the Lord’s day in 1914, after which Christians were tested as to their loyalty to the established Kingdom of God.—Compare Matthew 24:3, 9-13.

    19 For this reason, Jesus’ words to the congregations have had their major application since 1914. In this setting, the seven congregations picture all the congregations of anointed Christians during the Lord’s day. Moreover, during the past 70 years and more, the anointed Christians pictured by John have been joined by large numbers of believers whose hope is to live forever in Paradise on earth. The counsel of the glorified Jesus Christ and the conditions he found in the seven congregations as a result of his inspection apply with equal force to these, since there is only one standard of righteousness and faithfulness for all of Jehovah’s servants. (Exodus 12:49; Colossians 3:11) Thus, Jesus’ messages to the seven first-century congregations in Asia Minor are not mere historical curiosities. They mean life or death to each one of us. Let us, then, listen carefully to Jesus’ words.


    In the original Hebrew at Isaiah 44:6, there is no definite article with the words "first" and "last," whereas in Jesus’ description of himself in the original Greek at Revelation 1:17, the definite article is found. So, grammatically, Revelation 1:17 indicates a title, whereas Isaiah 44:6 describes Jehovah’s Godship.

    The Greek word ag´ge·los (pronounced "an´ge·los") means "messenger" as well as "angel." At Malachi 2:7, a Levite priest is referred to as a "messenger" (Hebrew, mal·’akh´).—See NewWorldTranslationReferenceBible, footnote.



    17. (a) What did Jesus’ parable of the wheat and the weeds foretell? (b) What took place in 1918, resulting in what rejection and what appointment?

    18. What "hour" came in 1914, and what was it time for the slave to do?

    19. (a) What do the seven congregations picture today? (b) Who have associated in large numbers with the anointed Christians, and why do Jesus’ counsel and the conditions he describes apply to them also? (c) How should we view Jesus’ messages to the seven first-century congregations?


    onpage 32]



    Jesus was baptized and anointed as King-Designate at the Jordan River about October 29 C.E. Three and a half years later, in 33 C.E., he came to Jerusalem’s temple and threw out those who were making it a cave of robbers. There appears to be a parallel to this in the three-and-a-half-year period from Jesus’ enthronement in the heavens in October 1914 until his coming to inspect professed Christians as judgment began with the house of God. (Matthew 21:12, 13; 1 Peter 4:17) Early in 1918 the Kingdom activity of Jehovah’s people met with great opposition. It was a time of testing earth wide, and fearful ones were sifted out. In May 1918 Christendom’s clergy instigated the imprisonment of officials of the Watch Tower Society, but nine months later these were released. Later, the false charges against them were dropped. From 1919 the organization of God’s people, tried and refined, moved zealously forward to proclaim Jehovah’s Kingdom by Christ Jesus as the hope for mankind.—Malachi 3:1-3.

    As Jesus began his inspection in 1918, the clergy of Christendom no doubt received an adverse judgment. Not only had they raised up persecution against God’s people but they had also incurred heavy bloodguilt by supporting the contending nations during the first world war. (Revelation 18:21, 24) Those clergymen then placed their hope in the man-made League of Nations. Along with the entire world empire of false religion, Christendom had fallen completely from God’s favor by 1919.








    JESUS’ first message is to the congregation in Ephesus, at that time a thriving coastal city of Asia Minor close to the isle of Patmos. He commands John: "TotheangelofthecongregationinEphesuswrite:Thesearethethingsthathesayswhoholdsthesevenstarsinhisrighthand,hewhowalksinthemidstofthesevengoldenlampstands."(Revelation2:1) As in the other six messages, Jesus here draws attention to a feature denoting his authoritative position. He reminds the overseers in Ephesus that all elders are under his own protective oversight and that he is inspecting all the congregations. Down into our own time, he has continued to exercise this loving headship, watching over the elders and kindly shepherding all associated with the congregation. From time to time, he adjusts congregational arrangements so that the light can shine more brightly. Yes, Jesus is the Chief Shepherd over the flock of God.—Matthew 11:28-30; 1 Peter 5:2-4.

    2 Jesus then sets a pattern for all but two of his seven messages by opening with warm words of commendation. For the Ephesians, he has this message: "Iknowyourdeeds,andyourlaborandendurance,andthatyoucannotbearbadmen,andthatyouputthosetothetestwhosaytheyareapostles,buttheyarenot,andyoufoundthemliars.Youarealsoshowingendurance,andyouhaveborneupformyname’ssakeandhavenotgrownweary."(Revelation2:2, 3) Years before, the apostle Paul had warned the Ephesian elders about "oppressive wolves," apostate disturbers of the flock, and had told those elders to "keep awake," following his own tireless example. (Acts 20:29, 31) Since Jesus now commends them for their labor and endurance and for not growing weary, they must have applied that counsel.

    3 During the Lord’s day, too, there have appeared "false apostles" who "speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves." (2 Corinthians 11:13; Acts 20:30; Revelation 1:10) They see good in all the conflicting sectarian religions, claim that God does not have an organization, and deny that Jesus received Kingdom power in 1914. They fulfill the prophecy at 2 Peter 3:3, 4: "In the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: ‘Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.’"

    4 These ridiculers rebel at the thought of making public declaration of their faith. (Romans 10:10) They have enlisted the support of Christendom’s clergy and the aid of news journals and TV stations to spread lying reports about their former associates. Faithful ones soon find that the speech and conduct of these deceivers do not ring true. Like the Ephesians, Christians today "cannot bear bad men," so they disfellowship them from their congregations.

    5 Now, however, as he does with five of the seven congregations, Jesus singles out a serious problem. He says to the Ephesians: "Nevertheless,Iholdthisagainstyou,thatyouhavelefttheloveyouhadatfirst."(Revelation2:4) They should not have failed in this respect, for Paul had written them 35 years earlier referring to God’s "great love with which he loved us," and he had urged them: "Become imitators of God, as beloved children, and go on walking in love, just as the Christ also loved you." (Ephesians 2:4; 5:1, 2) Further, Jesus’ words should have been inscribed indelibly on their hearts: "Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength." (Mark 12:29-31) The Ephesians had lost that first love.

    6 Whether we are old-timers or new associates in the congregation, we must guard against losing our first love for Jehovah. How can this loss come about? We could allow attachment to our secular work, the desire to make a lot of money, or the pursuit of pleasure to become the big thing in our lives. Thus we could become fleshly minded rather than spiritually minded. (Romans 8:5-8; 1 Timothy 4:8; 6:9, 10) Our love for Jehovah should impel us to correct any such tendencies and to ‘keep on seeking first God’s kingdom and his righteousness,’ so as to ‘store up for ourselves treasures in heaven.’—Matthew 6:19-21, 31-33.

    7 Let our service to Jehovah be motivated always by a deep-seated love for him. Let us have a fervent appreciation for all that Jehovah and Christ have done for us. As John himself wrote later: "The love is in this respect, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent forth his Son as a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins." John goes on to tell us: "God is love, and he that remains in love remains in union with God and God remains in union with him." May we never let fade our love for Jehovah, for the Lord Jesus Christ, and for the living Word of God! This love we can express not only in zealous service to God but also by obedience to "this commandment we have from him, that the one who loves God should be loving his brother also."—1 John 4:10, 16, 21; Hebrews 4:12; see also 1 Peter 4:8; Colossians 3:10-14; Ephesians 4:15.





    1. To which congregation is Jesus’ first message directed, and of what does he remind the overseers?

    2. (a) For what fine things did Jesus commend the Ephesian congregation? (b) What counsel of the apostle Paul had the Ephesian elders evidently obeyed?

    3. (a) How have "false apostles" sought to deceive faithful ones in our days? (b) What warning about apostates did Peter give?

    4. (a) How is the pride and rebelliousness of ridiculers manifested? (b) Christians today show that they are like the Ephesians by taking what action against lying opposers?

    5. (a) What weakness did Jesus say the Ephesians had? (b) What words should the Ephesians have remembered?

    6. (a) Whether we are old-timers or new associates in the congregation, against what danger and tendencies must we guard? (b) What should our love for God impel us to do?

    7. (a) By what should our service to Jehovah be motivated? (b) What did John say in regard to love?

  • found-my-way

    this is in reference to the box paragraph.

    the first paragraph remains the same, there are no changes. they removed the second paragraph though,

    ''As Jesus began his inspection in 1918, the clergy of Christendom no doubt received an adverse judgment. Not only had they raised up persecution against God’s people but they had also incurred heavy bloodguilt by supporting the contending nations during the first world war. (Revelation 18:21, 24) Those clergymen then placed their hope in the man-made League of Nations. Along with the entire world empire of false religion, Christendom had fallen completely from God’s favor by 1919.''

    Which I think is interesting, I guess they know that most JW's know about their UN involvement, and so not as to call themselves bloodguilty just as they called the clergy of christendom bloodguilty, they remove this reference.

    And the Rank and File JW's dont even bat an eye at these changes....

  • PrimateDave

    The Proclaimers book does not specify what federal law was broken by the Watchtower Society.
    My educated guess is that they were charged and imprisoned under the Sedition Act of 1918.

    From the Wikipedia: (

    ***The Sedition Act of 1918 was an amendment to the Espionage Act of 1917 passed
    at the urging of President Woodrow Wilson, who was concerned any widespread dissent in time
    of war constituted a real threat to an American victory. Subversive activity had assisted in
    overthrowing the Russian Czar in 1917, and contributed to the Easter Rising in Ireland in 1916.
    Subversive activity in Great Britain was less successful.

    The Sedition Act forbade Americans to use "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language"
    about the United States government, flag, or armed forces during war. The act also allowed the
    Postmaster General to deny mail delivery to dissenters of government policy during wartime.

    The Sedition Act was an attempt by the United States government to limit “freedom of speech,”
    insomuch as “freedom of speech” related to the criticism of the government during war.

    The Espionage Act made it a crime to help wartime enemies of the United States,
    but the Sedition Act made it a crime to utter, print, write or publish any disloyal, profane,
    scurrilous, or abusive language about the United States' form of government.

    Socialist Eugene V. Debs was sentenced to 10 years in prison under this law. U.S. citizens
    including members of the Industrial Workers of the World union were also imprisoned during World War I
    for their anti-war dissent under the provisions of the Sedition Act. Anti-war protestors were arrested
    by the hundreds as speaking out against the draft and the war was illegal under this law.

    In his 1941 book Censorship 1917, James Mock noted that most U.S. Establishment newspapers
    "showed no antipathy toward the act" and "far from opposing the measure, the leading papers seemed
    actually to lead the movement in behalf of its speedy enactment."

    The Sedition Act was repealed in 1921. Although the Sedition Act was upheld by the U.S. Supreme
    Court in Schenck v. United States, most legal experts view the Sedition Act as being antithetical to the
    letter and spirit of the United States Constitution, specifically the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights.***

    Hundreds of individuals with no connection to the Bible Students were tried and sentenced under this Act.
    Of course, the Watchtower Society makes it seem as though they alone were singled out as if caught in
    some big conspiracy against the Good News. Sometimes, telling only part of the truth is just as bad as telling a lie.


  • stillajwexelder

    Anyway, we are studying it tonight and I a mthe reader so I will let you know if there are any banal comments

  • Leolaia

    If memory serves me right, the conviction was overturned on appeal because the judge had accused a hostile witness (a secretary at Bethel) of lying when she said she could not ID a rubber stamp that she would have used on a daily basis. So the judge went too far in treating the witness as hostile (by prejudicing the jury), and the conviction was overturned, and with the war over, the prosecutor did not want to retry the case.

  • stillajwexelder

    so Leo - in essence the charges were dropped - They were NOT COMPLETELY EXONERATED, like the yclaim in earlier material

  • skeptic1914

    Thanks stillajwexelder. Although I refuse to go the study of the Rev bk on a regular basis, I probably will accompany my wife to the KH tomorrow night for the book study and service talk by the CO. Thanks for the heads-up about the material because I had no idea where they were in the book. Also for highlighting the difference between "completely exonerated" and "charges...dropped".


  • tinker

    The first time we studied this book, in the 80's, my husband was an elder, 4 children, I was reg aux pioneer and book study in our home. As we began this book with it's interpretation of scripture prophecy, I found myself asking 'who makes this stuff up?' I am a third generation witness so had heard of the 1918 prison terms for the WT officials and their release and 'complete exoneration'. Something about the Rev book teaching got me more interested so did some research. I wish I could share with you all my findings but it was all on my old vintage computer that crashed and died a few months ago. But I will try to find my back up printout soon. I found the public record of the court proceeding and the information was very eye opening. When I commented at the study on my findings, the word 'exonerated' not found in any record, I was 'schussed' and told not to bring in my personal research as it was 'not approved' and wait on Jehovah.

    That's just what I did, waited. I never again commented at any meeting and gradually stopped field service, meeting attendance and now here I am 2yr on somebodies 'Inactive List' My husband joined me and 3 of 4 children. Personally I feel very 'Active' now that I READ and THINK outside the JW box. The Truth I found concerning the 'Two Witness' set me free to look deeper into other questions I'd stored up over 30+yrs of JW mind control. Blood, disfellowshiping, cross, etc. The list is LONG.

    Yes, for me, the Rev Book turned out to be a well disguised blessing.


  • sspo
    Anyway, we are studying it tonight and I a mthe reader so I will let you know if there are any banal comments

    Looking at your picture at looks like they have some loose rules in your book study Don't forget to wear a head covering as a reader.

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