Alright, I admit it. I have been THIS close to posting a number of times. I saw uuus2b1 post and the welcome he received and figured I'd post too. Technically I still m1, but have been inactive for several years. Raised "in the truth". Zealous elder for almost 12 years (1983-1995). Crashed and burned and ended up divorced. Remarried four years ago. Real eye-opener was watching the happenings in the life of my employer and his wife. Both raised JW. Lost son to leukemia in 1994 to blood policy that has since been "adjusted". Some of you might know "nomoremeetings" who has posted here in the past. He is now pastor of a local community church and his story is available on a link in one of his posts.. I marvel at their Christian journey. Just yesterday they celebrated at their church the fifth anniversary of his final meeting (as WT Study conductor). They both radiate the fruit of the spirit and it is beautiful to see God working in and through them. I have read COC and Christian Freedom and Gentile Times Reconsidered. It became obvious to me that so much of the WT theology is based on 1914 and this just doesn't hold up to scrutiny. I am still an occasional attender (Sundays only provided I won't gag on the WT). My wife (who knows how I think and is EXTREMELY tolerant) and 88 year-old mother (who knows how I think and is extremely INTOLERANT-I'm the only living child) are still believers. I have no use for sarcasm about the witnesses. I believe the INDIVIDUALS are sincere and can be used by God even though they are in a "box" of human making.
uuu2b1 gave me the courage
by skeptic1914 26 Replies latest jw friends
A BIG WELCOME - I am an active witness by the way
Thanks. I'm only up at this hour because I can't sleep.
Welcome! I am also an active witness, but I plan to fade very, very soon.
Welcome skeptic,
Congrats on being out and having a new found way in life and not being bitter about the witnesses.
Enjoy yourself here!
-Kudra -
I am curious about those of you who are still "active". In JW terminology this means you are still "active" in FS. If so, what do you believe about what you are preaching?
Merry Magdalene
Welcome. I'm glad you decided to post.
Thanks for de-lurking! Like you, I had a problem with the WT's chronology, specifically about 587 BC. I'm not out yet, but soon I will be there.
Man, are we lucky for all these great de-lurkers or what?
I am curious about those of you who are still "active". In JW terminology this means you are still "active" in FS. If so, what do you believe about what you are preaching?
Still active in FS, don't believe a damn word about the magazines or books.
Welcome skeptic1914!! Glad to see ya here.
There is absolutely no judgment in this question...if you don't believe it why do you do it? Three years ago I told two elders to their faces I could not accept 1914 and therefore could not conscientiosly preach the "Kingdom Message" as JW understand it. We have had several meetings since then but no action has been taken against me (although I suspect I am "marked").