Were we "Unfaithful" for leaving, or were they unfaithful....

by JH 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Active witnesses see us apostates as "Unfaithful people" who took an oath to serve God as JW's and we stopped and left the Organization.

    We on the other hand, see the Watchtower as Unfaithful to their past teachings because they changed so much during the years. On top of that even what they didn't change, it's not happening.

    So, who was the most unfaithful, Us, or the Watchtower?

  • LeslieV

    I guess I have no problem being faithful to what is true, but I have a big problem with being faithful to a lie.


  • Abandoned

    Things like these are necessarily relative, but even still, I definitely think that they were the ones that were unfaithful. They were unfaithful to the seriousness of the relationship they invited us to start with them. They perfomed what results in spiritual mal-practice by bringing us into their fold and then abandoning us when taking care of us was going to make them feel uncomfortable. If we were silent all was good, but when we expected real answers to real questions we were ignored by these pharisees and sadducces. Luckily, though, we found a good samaritan in this site.

  • anewme

    JH, for me the shaming process was so foreign to my upbringing and previous experience it did not work for me to produce the foot licking repentance they were looking for.

    I was sorry and I was repentant, but I was shocked by their decision to publicly shame me.....me who practiced so much love and forgiveness of others my whole life. My sin was not public, but they made it so.

  • stillajwexelder

    I think they are the UNFAITHFUL and INDISCREET SLAVE - so them

  • stillajwexelder

    In other words, they should have been MORE FAITHFUL to Jesus's teachings rather than being pharasaical


    Jehovah`s Witness`s abbandon thier own beliefs in a heartbeat..They have done it and will continue to do it,on the orders of the WBT$...OUTLAW

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I was accused of being unfaithful to God for quitting the jws. They brought up my baptism as a jw. I replied that I dedicated myself to God, not any organization and that still stands. I was baptized many years ago, before they changed the questions.

    I was promised many things by the watchtower society. They did not keep their promises. They changed their beliefs many times. They ripped apart my family. None of this was what I was promised. So, they have not proven to be what I thought they were. My mistake or theirs? I don't know.

  • Satanus

    In any contract, if one party changes something or fails to fulfill its obligation, the other party should have the right to also make an adjustment. The wt has failed many times and made many changes.


  • LongHairGal


    I would liken it to a man who marries a woman and thinks she is a virgin (or at least virtuous) and then finds out that not only is she not a virgin but she's a whore who underwent a sex change. So, since this man was seduced into marriage thinking he was getting one thing and he got another, I would have to say he was deceived. He has grounds for annulment or divorce. When people get married "for better or for worse" that assumes the problems will come AFTER the marriage. A deception right from the outset cancels the whole thing out.

    They are the ones who are and were unfaithful.



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