Did you ever falsify your time?

by avidbiblereader 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • averyniceguy

    Yeah, I did little bit so I can reach the goal of MS and I was appointed MS long time ago. I was MS for 3 years.

  • jaguarbass

    What a waste of life peddaling litterature for the watertower society. Now I burn my daylight my way, for myself. It's much better this way. Think about all the harm and kaos that litterature created. It was spawn of the Devil. At least if one would be a devil worshiper or satinist, the job description has more karisma than being a witnoid.

  • stillajwexelder

    Oh hell yes - in the early days I used to "save hours" by not counting if I had done 20 hours but only report 11 , but the next month if I was auxilliary pioneering I would then use those "saved " 9 hours. BTW I know many loyal pioneers who used to save them month to month and even into the next service year.

    Now of course, all my hours are false.

  • avidbiblereader

    I never officially cheated on time but always thought of the long 45 minute hamburgers at McDEES was cheating on time, the long coffee breaks, just a different way of not being honest with those hours and minutes.


  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    yeh, I dit it for about two years before I became inactive . I would randomely pick a number. I never filled out a time card for those two years though our S/O would call me and pry a number out of me. Maybe I was secretely trying to get caught. Had he not been phoning me and asking for time I would have been inactive alot sooner.

    I am sorry to all the reg/special pioneers who are now reading this and realizing I was the one bringing down the national average (because I kept my lies modest, only between 1-5 hours)

  • restrangled

    I knew a lot who did.....Kept counting on breaks, from the time they left their home, including time spent during the "meeting for service"..... purposely calling on people at one end of a territory and then going to the oppisite end and back again.

    Driving slow, bathroom breaks, going on calls that were never home (just to check).....this included elders.

    Very tired people who worked all week and were guilted into hour requirements over the weekend. My father being one. He left at 5:30 am and got home between 6:30 / 7:00pm. all week...Very physical work, and had to get to meeting 2 nights a week, one in his home that he conducted.

    Saturdays he was expected to get out for at least 2 and 1/2 hours, meetings on a Sunday, Talks, Elders Meetings, JC meetings, and phone calls or visits from those who requested time.

    Now what time or energy did that leave for 3 small children and a wife? What time did that leave for himself?

    Yes the YOKE is heavy of a false religion.


  • tweety


    No, I always tried to be as honest about my time...but there were days when you were put into a car group with someone who liked to drive around the country side. I didn't mind b/c ...when I pioneered, I knew it was going to be an easy day.


  • misspeaches

    I did towards the end. At first I was scared the elders would confront me as to how I managed to get my average 10 hours each month when I never went to witnessing groups. But they never did. They were either to stupid to notice that I was lying or they were to interested in getting the numbers real or not.

  • owenfieldreams

    Is water wet?

  • J-ex-W

    Nope. Very sincere all the way. Quit field service as soon as it became clear I couldn't be behind it one hundred percent anymore.

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