Hello everyone, I just need some help and maybe a history lesson about the WT's current blood policy, and how it differs from the past. I was discussing this with my wife (inactive Dub) and she said the WT has always allowed blood fractions. Is the current fraction amount nearly equal to whole blood? Just need some clarification and a little more information on the subject.
Thanks for your patience and help!
Please help me understand new blood policy...
by Mikeus 12 Replies latest watchtower medical
Join the club... No inquiring person of sound mind can understand it either - but if you check this site you will know a lot more than a good many dubs
I was discussing this with my wife (inactive Dub) and she said the WT has always allowed blood fractions.
How we love to change history. When my children were little, I had to question their doctor every time they got an immunization to make sure there wasn't even a "drop" of blood. During that time period, it was NO BLOOD....period! I'll wait for others to post the WT directives on this.
Abandoned, Wow, thanks for posting that. There was alot of info I didn't know there. I think I am going to be sick though. It's just plain disturbing how many lives this "religion" has ruined with thier changing doctrine. I am so glad I got out. My only hope is that more of the rank and file "Sheeple" wake up to these facts. No wonder the WTS doesn't want them reading the net sites. And the so called "Apostates" are really only using thier own publications against them. Faded-out
Hey thanks to everyone for the great information, it's really helping me. I'm going to bring this topic up again to my wife. I can't seem to find any WT scans stating the no fractions policy, so if anyone has a link to some or can post them it'd be extremely helpful.
I noticed on http://www.ajwrb.org/ that it states all of the currently allowed fractions equal 100% blood. I have a scan of the most recent fractions WT and it says on the far left column "100% Blood - Unacceptable to Christians" and then it goes into the fractions columns. It will have the name and then a percentage beside the name. For example "White Blood Cell Fractions - 15%". What is this percentage number? Added up they do not equal 100%. Am I missing something obvious? -
Most people I know confuse the blood doctrine with the shunning doctrine (practice). The reason the blood medical treatment teaching changes are so important is that they affect the shunning practice.
The fact is: Witnesses could always do anything. What has changed is the punishment.
It's kinda like the government. When they want to lower inflation, all they have to do is change the definition of inflation. -
The totally weird thing is you can take blood break it down by fractions or categories and use it. But put it all together and it can't be used. It's rather insane especially when the scripture at Acts 15 is totally twisted around to try to fit the WTBTS Policy. Thinking people have been scratching their head over the changes over the past years when some fractions of blood began to be allowed. Is it any wonder that people are leaving the JW's because this idiotic policy is still clung to by the Governing Body. It was wrong back in the 1940's and is really shown to be wrong when looked at from a scientific perspective and even a biblical perspective. People continue to die because of the GB stubbornly refusing to give up that policy, I think because they imagine it makes them more godly.
Please help me understand new blood policy...
Unmitigated bullshit.
How we love to change history. When my children were little, I had to question their doctor every time they got an immunization to make sure there wasn't even a "drop" of blood. During that time period, it was NO BLOOD....period! I'll wait for others to post the WT directives on this.
Yes....I went through this "lets see what THE SOCIETY SEZ" before mine got inoculated too. I ended up being told in the doctor's waiting room (by a zealous sister) that the one we were waiting to get was one that had something "unapproved-by-the-men-of-the-WTS" in it and we had a polite disagreement right then and there! (It was the German Measles shot, as I recall)
This stuff about the "fractions" just blows me away.....like come ON folks....WHEN did God whisper THIS tidbit of info into the men of the WTS' ears? When DID He "change HIS mind" on this?
I cannot believe how seriously I took every word they said and believed it.....and how incredibly stupid I feel about it now.....