I have a hard time with this as someone who practices Witchcraft, as people often think that is one in the same. Satan is a Christian character, Witchcraft or Wicca is not related to Christian thinking in any way. Now Christianity did borrow a lot of our stuff though.
by Lumptard 14 Replies latest jw friends
Definition of Satanism from The Random House Dictionary of the English Language: 1. the worship of Satan or the powers of evil. 2. a travesty of Christian rites in which Satan is worshipped. 3. diabolical or satanic disposition, behavior, or action.
That alone would scare me away................sorry Lumptard, god I still laugh at your name lol!
After leaving the "truth" I still feel satan exists, and would sure as hell not want to serve him.........or practice anything he is involved in!
Added to say, I hope ouija boards really arent the work of satan............... Have one here...............oh man, there ya go, that is the root of all my orb problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, let me burn it, like now!!!
After leaving the "truth" I still feel satan exists, and would sure as hell not want to serve him.........or practice anything he is involved in!
This is just my opinion, but I think that satan and the god of the bible are one in the same. The god of the bible is unnaturally concerned with what people think of him. That's not healthy. The God who created daffodils and kitty cats, waterfalls and spooky bats, mountain views and puppy dogs, strawberries and jumping frogs is not a mental case worried about whether piddly humans are spending the correct amount of seconds thinking about him.
Phanx Kaput, it's supposed to be animated tho
Long live the D I mean Tenacious D. Not the devil, but then again him too.
Why take the word of people that have actually practiced it when you have Webster?
Exactly Gretchen. Check with Mr. Webster about Mr. Scratch. He'll tell you what you need to know.