How can someone approve or disapprove if an anointed one? If God does the choosing, who has the right to choose who's anointed and who is not? The Roman Army Officer as far as the Jews were concerned was an unlikely choice, but God anointed him and some of his family members. Someone help me out!
How can someone approve or disapprove if an anointed one?
by unbaptized 18 Replies latest watchtower bible
When a baptized JW in good standing started partaking of the bread and wine it was always considered a no-no to question whether they were "genuine" or not. But there were several cases that definitely raised eyebrows.
It's funny how in the book of Acts that people were anointed by God before they were officially baptised. Do you agree?
If you accept the premise of Christianity, then all Christians are "anointed." One faith, one hope, one baptism, one Lord, one God and Father who is through all and in all.
The WTS is ANTI-CHRIST because they deny the premise of Christianity: to follow and be with CHRIST.
It's funny how in the book of Acts that people were anointed by God before they were officially baptised.
I understand what you mean. You are referring to baptism by the Holy Ghost prior to baptism with water, which is what Peter later explained about what had happened to Cornelius. (Acts 11) Baptism by the Holy Ghost is technically as "official" as a baptism can get.
I think it shows that God doesn't conform to the systems people put in place; that people have no business deciding for God who is or is not anointed.
AuldSoul -
Honestly, I'm speaking from my own knowledge of the scriptures. There is no way a person can really count the exact number of the anointed left on earth. Jehovah has kept that information to himself. No one knew that Jesus was the Messiah until he started doing the things the Messiah would do and still a lot of Jews did not believe in him. So if God is the same as in the past, he will definitely not broadcast his choosing of the anointed to anyone not even the organization.
If your anointed, your gas and crap does not stink. So if you follow an anointed person in the bathroom and they stink up the joint, they're not anointed.
The WTS speaks out of both sides of their mouth on this...while they do not officially allow the rank and file to judge someone as being "true" or "genuine" anointed, the elders are directed that when they take the count of those who partake that they can leave certain ones out if they judge they are not truly anointed. For example, a newly baptized JW, someone who is too young, definitely anyone who isn't baptized.
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Disfellowshiped persons are not welcome. Should they attend and partake, they would not be counted. Likewise, if any newcomers who are not yet baptized partake of the emblems, they should not be counted.
I didn't mean to imply by my previous post that I believe there are "genuine" anointed as opposed to bogus anointed. Just recalling the frame of mind when being in the cult. I put the entire subject in the category of Tooth Fairy, UFO believers, ghost photographers and those who believe god answers their prayers. It's all very precious and sweet! You cuties!
Frannie Banannie
Cornelius and his entire household being anointed with Holy Spirit and THEN being baptised was one of the critical points in my letters to the GB pointing out their erroneous criteria for baptism in the WTS. They ignored that.....repeatedly.... and all the rest of the valid points I made, haughtily in favor of going on about their royal "bidness."
And the GB doesn't openly (publicly, as in their mags) approve or disapprove of others who profess to be of the anointing. They just denigrate the others via "word of mouth," through the good ol' WTS grapevine.