Neck and back cracking.

by El Kabong 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Or otherwise referred to as joint cracking. I can crack my neck, lower spine, elbows, fingers, and ankles. I crack my neck and spine several times a day. Some of the cracks can be quite loud. I've heard that cracking your neck and spine may not be the best thing for a person to do, but it does relieve tension and feels really good whenever I crack. Sometimes, when I feel a headache coming on, a good neck crack can take the edge off the headache, and even eliminate the headache. Does anybody else indulge in this practice?

  • bigwilly

    Same here, especially after a good solid case of whiplash 12 years ago I can pop my neck just thru movement. Also do fingers, elbows and knees.

  • J-ex-W

    Oh, yeah. Every last bit of me.

  • onlycurious

    I do but I notice as I have gotten older I can't twist my back around like I use to. I also can only crack one side of my neck. Anyone else know why this happens?

  • J-ex-W

    There's a facet joint on each side of a vertabra, and you're only getting one to release. They get stuck because some people have less natural lubrication between their joints. They wind up sticking to each other like a suction cup to a wall. Put lube in between, and it can't stick. [My chiropractor is who explained this to me, by the way.]

    A natural means of helping the body create more of its own joint lubrication is taking supplements like SAM-e and/ or a combination of glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM. I can't remember the best dosages for this. All the pages I had saved for that are lost on my old (and now unused) AOL favorites file.

  • onlycurious

    Thanks J-ex-W for the input. I will break out the pills.

  • J-ex-W

    Believe me, onlycurious--I notice the difference with and without!!

  • J-ex-W

    I almost forgot: Be sure to space out the dosages during the day instead of taking several together. Glucosamine can cause hypoglycemia (a drop in blood sugar levels), so spacing them out keeps it on a more even keel. I found this out the hard way, but it straightened out once I divvy'd up the doses. (I have problems with reactive hypoglyemia anyway).

  • gumby

    Hey bastard you. What I wanna know is.......have you ever had a buttcrack?

    I know what you mean by cracking your back and that it feels good and relieves tension, but I had a chiropractor tell me that cracking my neck or back wasn't a good idea unless you knew what the hell you were doin. I figure if it makes me feel better it can't hurt however. I do the sit in the chair and turn around in it routine to crack my back and people always wonder what I'm doin and what I'm looking at since they have no idea what I'm doing.....s'pecially in the car while I'm driving.


  • J-ex-W

    Gumby---I wouldn't think you could crack. I thought you could only s-t-r-e-t-c-h !!!


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