In revelation the temple of new jerusalem is jesus and jehovah . It says there is no temple but for that .Look here at revs 20:2 revs 21:22 . To me it looks like a floating city that descends to save the great crowd while God destroys the earth then after the second resurrection it leaves again and people are allowed to live in paradise earth and either attain the gift of life eternal thru obedience or attack the holy ones in which case the city returns and destroys all the wicked for the last time . The 2 folds of sheep are the jews and gentiles not the little flock and the great crowd according to WTBTS dogma . I can see where your confusion is but even the apostle Peter clarified the issue in one of his letters . Can't remember chapter and verse but know it's been on this board countless times as this discussion seems to always come up. The WTBTS confuses the first resurrection and the great crowd making them part of the first resurrection which is only for the 144k as you will see if you just read revs 20 .
Can a person become anointed before being baptised?
by unbaptized 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Unbaptised I think you got taken in by the JW indoctrination about the two hopes. So you do you think the other sheep are? Are they the non anointed JWs? Do you think that Jesus was referring to a religious group that was to appear 2000 years later under the name JWs? Is that how important the JWs are that Jesus himself talked about them 2000 years before they were due to appear?
unbaptized, Why don't you just get baptized, and be done with it?
Who are you to say that I'm not?
Also remember when Philip baptised the Ethiopian after explaining some biblical scriptures. The Ethiopian was not baptised or anointed with the Holy Spirit. That explains alot here, everyone is not baptised with Holy Spirit as the Holy Ones.
Frannie Banannie
Also remember when Philip baptised the Ethiopian after explaining some biblical scriptures. The Ethiopian was not baptised or anointed with the Holy Spirit. That explains alot here, everyone is not baptised with Holy Spirit as the Holy Ones.
Unbaptised, also, I want you to realize that when I spent 3 months writing back and forth to the GB about these scriptures as compared to the WTS's oppositional doctrinal baptism requirements, the GB grew more haughty with each succeeding letter, until they finally haughtily dismissed all the scriptural evidence I presented to them in favor of going on about their royal bizness......
Who are you to say that I'm not?
Hmmmmm...well, let me take a wild guess: perhaps it's your screen-name????
But, given that I may be jumping to a conclusion: are you baptized?
Also remember when Philip baptised the Ethiopian after explaining some biblical scriptures. The Ethiopian was not baptised or anointed with the Holy Spirit. That explains alot here, everyone is not baptised with Holy Spirit as the Holy Ones.
See now that's not part of the WTBTS dogma , they believe everybody in the first century was anointed but there are scriptures that clearly say you must be baptized in the name of father son and holy spirit thus be born again of the spirit . I suggest you do look at some of the evidence against the position that you have taken and it will become obvious without all that WTBTS mumbo jumbo to confuse you .
I understand the situation you were confronted with when dealing with the Org. But all of God's servants had to contest with issues similar to yours.
John started preaching in the wilderness and telling people they needed to make changes because the Messiah was comming, he did not hate the Israelite Nation because there were religious leaders who did not obey God, he basically did what he was assigned to do. Now John said what he had to say about the religious leaders during his time, but he did not say he wanted to be no part of the Israelite Brotherhood. He did not disown his people because the leaders were misleading people or corrupt. John stayed faithful and did what he had to do.
Bottom line God does the judging!!!!!!!!
Frannie Banannie
unbaptised, but Jesus DID. He got in the pharisees faces GOOD! And Jesus was the head of John and the rest of the Christian congregation which actually LEFT their religion to follow Jesus.
Frannie (JMHO)