"God Boards"

by AllAlongTheWatchtower 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    You've probably all seen them; those church message boards in some prominent place along the road so passing drivers can read them. Most are simply informational, like "Sunday services at 12PM" or the like. Some use little witticisms to gain attention, and these are the ones I'd like to talk about. Today I saw one of these 'god boards' with the message "ATM INSIDE" in large letters. My initial reaction, being an atheist, was rather cynical; wow, either churches are getting really progressive these days or else it just makes it easier to fleece the flock. Then I noticed the smaller print beneath: "Atonement, Truth, and Mercy."

    Now, most of my friends are atheist, agnostic, or religious but non-practicing. So over the years we have noticed the trend of these 'god boards', and kept track of some of the most witty or groan-provoking to talk about, and usually make fun of the worst offenders. Some examples that I recall over the years:

    "Prayer is oil for the daily grind"

    "Joy is the windex of the soul"

    I was just curious as to what others thought of these types of message boards, whether you consider them witty and thought-provoking, inane and ridiculous, whatever...would just like to know how others besides myself react to these things. And feel free to post any messages you've seen that stand out in your memory like the ones above.

  • SirNose586

    On the way to the KH, there is a little Christian church (not sure of the denomination) with the same sort of God board. The message usually contains some sort of -worthy pun:

    "Send a Knee-Mail to Jesus"

    "Jesus' Valentine to You: Be Mine Forever."

    "Come Inside! Our Building Is Prayer-Conditioned"

    It gives my dad a chance to express his loathing for Christendom and how much he loves the meetings, because certainly we would never resort to such cheesy signage to get people inside our halls.

  • Abandoned

    My first view, many years ago, was that it was disrespectful and lowered christianity down to some sort of business. Then, I realized that christianity is some sort of business so now I get a chuckle out of them.

  • 5go

    I have seen them cute, but what would christ think assuming he existed at all.

  • heathen

    Most I've seen are just silly . Once the baptist church down road had one that said ," sign broken , come inside for message" , that seemed to at least try to get people inside much like your ATM sign .LOL Not that I care for the baptist faith at all .

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    witty and thought-provoking, inane and ridiculous,

    All of the above. I saw one that said "God accepts knee-mail." Kinda punny, but a cute play on words.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    we would never resort to such cheesy signage to get people inside our halls.

    Yeah, like the articles and artwork in the Watchtower and Awake magazines arn't cheesy and retarded. Got to love those pictures of a girl playing with a lion and a beach ball!

  • iamfreenow

    That sort of catchy signage has been around in some form or other for many years. I remember my late husband used to laugh at a sign outside a Liverpool church that a JW who had visited that city had taken a photograph of.


    At the time, Liverpool Football Club had a player named Ian St John playing for them , and someone had written in equally large letters underneath it


    I think the sign was removed soon afterwards.

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    I'm resurrecting this moldy old topic because I saw another groaner:

    "A church is a gift from God-assembly required."

  • mrsjones5
    but what would christ think assuming he existed at all.

    I think of it this way, God made everything, he made humor, he has a funny bone, Chirst is his son, he has a sense of humor, maybe he would think the signs are cute in a phunny like of way. I think God/Christ is too big to let a little joke on a church board offend.

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