You've probably all seen them; those church message boards in some prominent place along the road so passing drivers can read them. Most are simply informational, like "Sunday services at 12PM" or the like. Some use little witticisms to gain attention, and these are the ones I'd like to talk about. Today I saw one of these 'god boards' with the message "ATM INSIDE" in large letters. My initial reaction, being an atheist, was rather cynical; wow, either churches are getting really progressive these days or else it just makes it easier to fleece the flock. Then I noticed the smaller print beneath: "Atonement, Truth, and Mercy."
Now, most of my friends are atheist, agnostic, or religious but non-practicing. So over the years we have noticed the trend of these 'god boards', and kept track of some of the most witty or groan-provoking to talk about, and usually make fun of the worst offenders. Some examples that I recall over the years:
"Prayer is oil for the daily grind"
"Joy is the windex of the soul"
I was just curious as to what others thought of these types of message boards, whether you consider them witty and thought-provoking, inane and ridiculous, whatever...would just like to know how others besides myself react to these things. And feel free to post any messages you've seen that stand out in your memory like the ones above.