How much can i borrow?????
We are here for Adoption!
by new boy 34 Replies latest jw friends
Sure...I'm up if anyone want me as a sister.
NewBoy: Can I call you Dad ? Mine passed away in 2003 from a massive heart attack and I miss him a great deal. He NEVER shunned me and I love him more for it.
I offer my self up as a son, brother, friend to anyone in need. As far as gifts for B'days and Christmass, it's quid pro quo.
new boy
To Truth Searcher & FiFi 40
If you want cards I will need your addresses. If you want cash presents We will need your bank account numbers, your S.S numbers and any pass words you may have. So I can directly deposit them into your account. LOL
To AK Jeff
I never had a real brother or this will be GREAT.
To Carla
Husband........well........errrrr.........a.............I'll see what I can do. You better send me a picture! What sign are you?.....LOL
To Grace......(MOM).......and all the kids.
As with any kids..... we love them no matter what...It doesn't mean we love everything they do!.........We as parents believe everyone should have their own experiences. Even if that experience my take them down some hard roads..........How else can they Learn?............But has good parents we will be here no matter love and NOT in judgement.......So Grace (MA) is right. Love is about caring and speaking your mind, it may not be something you want to hear.........but it will always be none in Love and unconditional acceptance!............
Quixote.....Bless you my son.
How much can i borrow?????
How much did you need?
troubled mind
OOHhhhhhhhhhhh I am so up for this !!!!!!!!!!! I have been crying all day ...sorry woman hormones or something . I am empty nesting it big time since the last baby moved out in January , and my mom just died . My former best friend 's son is getting married saturday and we are being shunned .....sooooo yah i need some family lovin about now. I am very willing to be a mommy or sister to anyone else ! I promise I'm really good at it !
And so it will be, you will lose mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters but find many more outside the WTS. Beyond the fleshly level and at the more spiritual level one can find many of these.
Mouthy - I was just kidding. I think you make a great grandma, I would love to adopt you, am I to old at 40????
New boy - Can I just borrow the car then?
Been there
You are too young to be my father, so you could be my big brother.
At your age who would have thunk you'd be too young for something?
New Boy, I heard that you won the lottery, please adopt the monkey first.