Unclebruce can't get on-line right now, as a really bad storm knocked out the telephone lines in his area and it's going to be a couple of months before they're fixed. There's no cable where he is either, so the only time he can get on-line is when he comes into town. Plus, he's extremely busy working and he's also taking some college courses right now too, so you're probably not going to see him on here much for the next little while.
I hope he is in good health, very happy, prosperous and just busy; and that his little piece of paradise in the land of OZ has excaped the wildfires this season.
He was a bit concerned at one point about the fires, but he's done a good job 'fire-proofing' his house, so everything's a-okay in that area.
Gumby has been promoted to Circus Overseer. He's pompous and arrogant as hell now and sees smurfs in his room at night while studying the Revelation Climax book. Expect to see him on Dr. Phil in the near future. LOL! Actually, Gumbers seems to be doing okay. The meetings still bug the holy hell out of him, but at least he's got access to his grandkids now, who he loves dearly.
If anyone wants any further info on these guys, it's gonna cost ya.