Has the new Watchtower arrangement been announced in the United Kingdom yet?
Just wondering if my family are up with the 'new light' yet!
by Gill 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Has the new Watchtower arrangement been announced in the United Kingdom yet?
Just wondering if my family are up with the 'new light' yet!
Yes, my grandmother (still in) told my mother (now out) about it on the phone a couple of days ago
Announced here as well.
Thanks Needproof and Zico!
What 'spin' has the WTBTS put on the announcement and what do the 'publishers' think? Is there a 'reaction'?
The local dubs are in stupendous awe of this new arrangement.
They just know that the "Faithful Slave" is getting new revelations from Jehovah to help them in their ministry by offering milk to the world while they take in solid food.
Honesty said -They just know that the "Faithful Slave" is getting new revelations from Jehovah to help them in their ministry by offering milk to the world while they take in solid food.
Oh Honesty! How easily fooled sheep can be.
The worry of course is that the 'flowery' representations of Jehooplah's organization will be showed to the world at large, while the sheep are beaten viciously by the really culty stuff in the 'private' magazine.
The WTBTS is becoming an increasing scary cult.
Did someone mention the KoolAid?
Are you talking about 2008 >15th Watchtower only for their eyes only????
Hi Mouthy! Yes! I mean the new publishers Watchtowers.
Some of the clap trap has been obviously culty in the last few mags, especially in the way the WTBTS discusses women ie 'No woman has ever been completely faithful to Jehovah' , and that husbands should counsel their wives about their makeup and dress!!! Not the sort of thing you might want the general public to read.....they might think the WTBTS was some kind of Cult! That sort of stuff has to be away from prying eyes, though I'm certain they'll turn up on the internet.....one way or another.
Well old Grandmother had a bit of a spring in her step apparently. Not only is there the assembly this weekend, but now they have been given this announcement, they seem to think that it is all part of the 'Jehovah is speeding things up' plan.