How long before the Lawyers attack the new sixscreens of the watchtower web site? I don't want it to happen but I bet it does. If it does I hope it gets a lot of publicity before it actualy goes down.The site is extremely well put together and has some info that I never seen before like some of the info on the cross. I hope that God allows this one to stay online for a while. seek2find
Will six screens end up like the quotes site?
by seek2find 14 Replies latest jw friends
Quotes site was almost exclusively quotes from the Watchtower, very little commentary. That's one of the things that made it so powerful, and unfortunately, so vulnerable to copyright-infringement claims. This new site is full of commentary, with very little quoted material. So it's unlikely they'd make as fat a target as Quotes was.
AK - Jeff
The WTS attacks on 'apostate' sites is like putting out a gasoline fire with water - when they learn that, they will stop trying.
Quotes is mirrored all over the planet now. As for Six screens - I didn't get it. Seems like a lot of color and sound - but the purpose is a little foggy in all the confusion. Just me I suppose. Maybe I linked in on the wrong page.
Although I am vitally interested in it's contents, the music and atmosphere of the site really irritates me and I cant stay on long.
It's a shame because I am sure it would have the same effect on many of their target audience.
Ak Jeff: I felt the same way when I first went to the site, but after some exploring around I found what I felt was some really good info. The link below is the one I was reffering to about the Cross and torture stake. I never had seen that photo taken from one of the publications that showed Christians hanging on Crosses in the Roman events. I'm not to wild about the music and sound effects either, but if I get on a page where I don't like it I just hit the mute on my keyboard. seek2find
How long before the Lawyers attack the new sixscreens of the watchtower web site? I don't want it to happen but I bet it does. If it does I hope it gets a lot of publicity before it actualy goes down.The site is extremely well put together and has some info that I never seen before like some of the info on the cross. I hope that God allows this one to stay online for a while.
I wouldn't be too worried if I were you. The WTS has only gone after websites that have "allegedly" infringed on their copyrights/trademarks. SSotW isn't in any danger.
Wasn't part of the quotes suit that they said it caused embarasment to the Society? If that were the case, I think six screens should cause far greater "Embarasment". To lurkers here and others, I recomend looking around the site to see all of whats there. If the sound bothers you just turn down the volume. I really liked the explanation of John 1:1 in the video at the following link.
The Watchtower is especially picky about the use of their artwork, and if they do anything to sixscreens it will be because of that, even if it is fair use. It's like waiving a flag in front of a Bethel bull.
Wasn't part of the quotes suit that they said it caused embarasment to the Society? If that were the case, I think six screens should cause far greater "Embarasment".
Not that you haven't made it obvious or anything, but what is your association the Fearon's? Your excessive hyping of ssotw reminds me of someone pumping up a penny stock.