Did you refrain from obtaining a degree or advanced studies when you had the chance because it wasn't the Witness thing to do? How has this affected your life? Comments, rants, and personal experiences please.
Stuck in a dead-end job because of obeying anti-higher education policy?
by nvrgnbk 49 Replies latest jw friends
Indirectly, the borg has affected me.
Still an active dub, I want to waste as little time as possible in the borg, so I'm planning to move out and fade once I obtain my associate's degree.
I wanted to keep studying for a bachelor's, but it would mean living a lie longer than I'd hope for.
I now sell real estate but for many years I did menial labor jobs and never went to college because of the org.
My finances were much better at 22 when I was in the "world" then at 53 and divorced.
I listened to the Borg waaaaay too much and got screwed along the way.
Yup, I listened to that bad advice. Now going to college in my 30s sucks ass, and it takes sooooooooo long when you have to support yourself through it. Almost there. Almost there.... Patience grasshopper....
Bluegrass Tom
I was raised in the truf and am now staring down the barrel of retirement. I never listened to them when I was a kid and I very quietly went to night college over a period of years and got a degree. All along I went to the meetings, went in service and kept my mouth shut. I went on evenings that we didn't have the meetings. I got their number when I was about 12 years old. Because of getting an education, I was taught how to think and I was able to earn enough money to live reasonably well. Two of the three children have been formally educated. One has an advanced degree the other is in a high-end private university. Neither are in the truf.
Many of my peers growing up in the congo either fell away, or if they hung in there are now facing the backend of their life without enough money or accumulated wealth to have a health retirement. Thanks WTBTS! This has caused many that I know to re-evaluate the whole thing and several are in the primary phases of either fading or leaving. They are tied to it emotionally and have to slowly break free after realizing that their life was ruined by listening to the WTBTS.
No, but, I lost a lot of motivation for school.
Also, I feel I could have advanced faster on the job if I felt it was okay to be more (non-WT) goal-oriented.
The story of my life. The firery anger within me.
Yeah...I'm wondering how I'm gonna swing moving out and trying to go to a real university. If I can do it, it won't be easy, I know that much. But after going to community college to learn how to work on cars...I think I can do something a bit more suited to my skills in music and language...
Yes! I work for myself in the service industry, and the second I stop working, I stop making money. I'm not using any of my natural talents, and it eats at me every day. When I was in high school, I blew off teachers who tried to talk to me about scholarships. Some very close friends of the family who are "worldly" offered to pay for me to go to college and my parents turned them down.
I'm trying to turn my bitterness into motivation. I started school about six months ago, and I am planning to complete at least a four year degree. It is tough to stay motivated while working full time, and it's discouraging to be 31 and just starting, but it's just something that I feel like I need to do.