Hi, I'm new here. Not a Witness but have them as neighbors. I have been studying Watchtower publications for years and have spent lots of time in discussion with Witnesses in hopes of having them read the bible without Watchtower glasses on. I will be going to a JW wedding soon and am wondering, since I'm not a Witness, what to expect. I know there are so many "DON'TS" in the belief system but I don't know what they are with regard to weddings. I want to be prepared in advance so that I don't step on any land mines.
Kingdom Hall wedding
by Wanita 19 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, Wanita.
Well, JW weddings are a little too staunch and serious, if you ask me.
Don't expect to hear any traditional wedding music. Only JW music is to be played inside a Kingdom Hall.
Don't stand up when the bride comes down the isle. They think that's giving too much "glory" to the bride.
There will be a long, boring talk about marriage.
They can exchange rings and vows, but the vows are written by the "higher-ups", and are completely devoid of feeling.
There is no rice throwing. The bride will not toss her bouquet; the groom will not toss the garter.
At the reception, there is no offering of toasts to the bride or groom.
Don't say "good luck", or use the word luck at all. Witnesses have this thing about the word "luck". (It's dumb)
This is just for starters.
It's a standard talk and attempt to indoctrinate family or anyone there into JW beliefs.
You will hear how Jehovah instituted the first marriage and how the man is head of the
household and his decisions must be respected.They won't throw rice, they won't throw the garter or flowers.
If you go to the reception, it will be a standard affair but the music will be screened
for morality, there will be no celebration "toasts" as those are superstitious. (seriously)Women who are JW's are expected to avoid wearing pants to the Kingdom Hall, but
others are not forced into that rule. Overall, many sisters use the excuse of a wedding to
put on their dresses that dip a bit low or ride a bit high on the thigh. These dresses would
never be tolerated at other meetings, but you might go to a conservative congregation that
won't do that at weddings either. Play it safe with conservative wear, or ask. -
Thank you! I'm sure I would have been the one to rise to my feet when the bride appeared. And I probably wouldn't have offered a toast, but my husband might have. Two land mines avoided. I knew not to say "good luck." Any more or you thoughts would be appreciated.
Oh your first post, welcome!
Well, they are sort of boring with this boring wedding talk. Every event has a talk that comes with it. I don't think there is anything that you would do wrong. It will probably be in the kingdom hall which will make for a boring setting.
I don't think there is anything that you would do wrong.
Ok, I take that back. lol
No toasting, no throwing rice (or confetti). They are considered "pagan" rituals. Ditto for tossing the bouquet and garter.
You might want to ignore the "pagan" (but permissible to JWs) wedding dress, wedding party, wedding rings, wedding cakes.
The music will have been screened to make sure that it is not too permissive or suggestive. The dancing is likely to be subdued.
Alcohol may or may not be served, but if it is, be aware that people will be monitoring each others' consumption.
I would recomend not going it isn't worth it they are no pleasant memories I have of the ones I have gone too. In fact the ones I missed I benefited there were scandals at them. Just get the pics it is better than atleast there is an illusion of a goodtime.
Just my 2 cents....
When they learn you're not a jw they will try their best to get you to the meetings...."hey, you should come back here tomarrow morning to the meeting, you will love it!"....you can expect stuff like that. They will all seem soooo nice.
They got you to the kingdom hall once for a wedding....you do know that they are trying to recruit you, right?
First I'll be surprised if anyone sits with you at the reception. Dubs who are "spiritual" are not supposed to share a meal with a worldly person. Actually, according to the KM of 04/2002, they are not even supposed to say "Hello"!
Listen for the words that state the JW views of marriage. That it is an arrangement designed to further the Husband's Ministry and nothing more.