If Christ the Mediater Only For the Annoited

by lighthouse19something 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul


    Have you ever read Revelation 20 and 21 without JW-think playing in your head while you read it? It doesn't really teach what they interpret it as. In fact, many of the interpretations apply to these chapters are wildly off-base given the context.


  • Q. Bert
    Q. Bert
    Q. Bert, have you ever read Revelation 20 and 21 without JW-think playing in your head while you read it? It doesn't really teach what they interpret it as. In fact, many of the interpretations they apply to these chapters are wildly off-base, given the context.


    — I am Q. Bert, after all.

  • AuldSoul

    Well, for instance after the Thousand Year Reign there are still nations on earth, who are collectively called Gog and Magog. (Revelation 20:7, 8; Ezekiel 38, 39)

    Also, the dead are resurrected after the Thousand Year Reign, not during it. After the TYR there is a new heaven and new earth, not during it.

  • Q. Bert
    Q. Bert

    Those are interesting theories.

  • heathen

    Also, the dead are resurrected after the Thousand Year Reign, not during it. After the TYR there is a new heaven and new earth, not during it.

    Yah the WTBTS has some pretty screwy dogma about imperfect people attaining perfection during the millenia thus they are spiritually dead until after the millenia then they "come to life".

    there is only one mediator between God and man , jesus .The WTBTS claims to be more or less the governor in charge of restoring true worship with the FDS dogma . I don't think I've seen anything in print where they come up with they believe they are mediator but with the way the are so good at making claims that they can deny it's hard to say what they are getting at .

  • Q. Bert
    Q. Bert

    You can make whatever you want out of the Bible. Even Adolf Hitler apparently died a practicing Catholic with what he made out of it, with the blessings of the Catholic Pope himself. And Adolf may still get a resurrection because of Jehovah's undeserved kindness. I don't know. I'm not the arbiter.

    As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts. — Isaiah 55:9, TNIV.

  • AuldSoul

    I was talking about reading it; their interpretations contradict what the text says. If language has no meaning it has no purpose.

    I think you have amply demonstrated, by your responses, the caliber of cognition one can expect of a JW apologist. I will leave you alone, for now.

  • Q. Bert
    Q. Bert

    I wasn't part of the discussion that went into what was written. I am not a member of the Writing Committee. So I am not qualified to be an apologist for it. You'll have to ask a member what was meant, or receive holy spirit, so that the meaning is revealed to you.

    — I am Q. Bert, after all.

  • avidbiblereader

    MAYBE in the Wt but in the Bible he is the Mediator of all mankind, I think it was he who was hanging on the tree or cross (either way it doesn't matter what the instrument) but he is the one that gave his life and it is to him we should be directing peoples attention to, not men


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I believe the major flaw in their teaching comes from a misunderstanding of Romans 6:7. They take that verse out of context to say that you pay for your own sins at death. The question they then raise from this false understanding is "If I pay for my sins at death, what did Jesus do?'.

    This is how they come to saying that Jesus is only a 'corrosponding ransom', no greater and no less than that of Adam. They then can tie this all to the idea that you don't need a mediator specifically because you benifit from the effects of the this ransom.

    A good series of articles on the subject can be located here: SoundWitness.com

    Look at the series of articles entitled "The Watchtower's Inadequate Ransom"

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