Are they really crazy as some believe or are they just deceived, or both crazy and deceived?
by Honesty 10 Replies latest jw friends
Frannie Banannie
Six of one and half a dozen of the other.
Frannie (of the "got da Tee-shirt class)
i think mostly it's sincere people searching for meaning in life and the watchtower presents itself as having all the answers. saddest teaching is if it doesnt work for you its your own weakness not the watchtower doctrine.
i think mostly it's sincere people searching for meaning in life and the watchtower presents itself as having all the answers. saddest teaching is if it doesnt work for you its your own weakness not the watchtower doctrine.
How did you get so smart, Candy?
I bet your smartness made major strides after you eased out of the watchtower.
I believe many of them are sincere as after all we were before leaving the org and they got taken in by the WTS elaborate deception.
Not crazy, weak and easily deceived.
- The Millerites were delusional, every adventist religion that has followed in their footsteps is just a different flavor of wacky.
r's hubby -
Good Girl or Bad Girl?
Not crazy, weak and easily deceived.
I don't think they are easily deceived as much as the WTS is supremely good at what it does, namely convince its followers that it is the one true religion and to give up everything that is their own in order to better the publishing company. They even disown their own family members for the sake of "Jehovah God."
I do think the WTS preys on vulnerable people.
I do think JW's act crazy because of how strongly they will defend their belief system, even when rational thought proves it is wacky.
JWs . . . Are they really crazy as some believe or are they just deceived, or both crazy and deceived?
Witnesses think people die because a talking snake tricked a naked lady into eating fruit after her husband finished naming all the animals that Noah put in a home made wooden boat he made without tools and the water covered mountain Everest, then Methuselah died.
After Moses got the laws, God had sex with a virgin and then had the son murdered so brother Rutherford could get coal in 1919 in Brooklyn and Governing body could all resign in 2000.
There's no free parking in Tacoma, and the Society never associated with the United Nations as a NGO at all. They'd never do that. -
Pg 66 of His book says: "Behavior control, thought control, emotional control, and information control: each form of control has great power and influence on the human mind. Together, they form a totalistic web, which can manipulate even the strongest-minded people. In fact, it is the strongest-minded individuals who make the most involved and enthusiastic cult members".