Thanks for so kindly sharing. Life (whatever it really is) is good. I'm happy for you that you've had the opportunity to travel so extensively.
Leolaia's Scenic Travel Photos
by Leolaia 114 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Lee
great pics Leo
Some advice for those of you who have posted images here. With those high resolution cameras it is very easy to take awesome pictures. What I have discover though is that if I don't resize the image before posting here the images will scroll off the screen to the right making seeing the whole image impossible.
If you can't resize the image before you post it to the internet you CAN resize if at least visually here
Once you have added the image to the posting box if it scrolls off your screen and out of the posting box that is a good indicator that your image is waaay too big.
Lightly click once on the image and you should see little squares appear in the corners and one square in the middle of the each side.
Click on one of the corner squares and pull the square towards the center of the image. You should see the image get smaller. Once you can see the whole image in your posting box it is resized to fit the forum.
I have resized all the images here that needed it by Leo's request (for hers and the rest so we can see your great pictures)
they are awesome.........all of them........thanks for sharing.] pics
Frannie Banannie
Leolaia, you do good fluff, chere! I love the cherry blossoms. They remind me of when I lived in D.C. near the Potomac around cherry blossom time.
All the pics everyone posted are absolutely breathtaking! (sighs)
Frannie (of the "wish I still had the pics from my travels" class)