Five years?! You can get that and less on a felony drug conviction!! It's obvious what the court thought about Samantha's life.
Jehovah's Witness Elder David L Pleake 51 kills Samantha Semmern
by MinisterAmos 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Jus a bit of context - this was a news story from last October
"KENNEWICK, Wash. - Charges were filed Monday in Benton County Superior Court against the man who police said crashed into the car driven by Samantha Semmern.
The 22-year-old West Richland woman died soon after the crash last August.
Charching documents say David Pleake was very drunk at the time of the crash.
At the time of the crash, investigators found an empty beer can in Pleake's car and prosecutors said his blood alcohol level was a .20. The level was almost three times the legal limit when it was tested.
Samantha was headed east on Van Giesen and as she started driving through her green light, eye witnesses said Pleake ran his red light on Highway 240 and slammed into the driver's side of Samantha's car.
Pleake did not want to comment on the ordeal and his lawyer Jim Egan has not called us back despite repeated attempts. Samantha's family said they're still processing the news.
Pleake is an ordained minister, and according to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witness, is a former elder at the church. "
It is a very sad story!
I wonder what the statistics are for alcoholism amongst the JWs.
I know some of my relatives have drink problems and openly say they cannot relax in the evenings if they have not drank at least a bottle of wine. That is a very sad reflection on, for example, a couple with no children, no known stresses in life apart from being JWs and no money problems. It can be only one thing that is driving them to drink! The JW religion.
wtf? thanks for making my day :-(
I also saw in one of the news stories that David Pleake had also just completed a sentence previously that ordered him to have an interlock device on his car - he was three months out of that order. And he was an elder? Wonder how he went in service with that on his car? Hmmm.....
Drunken Driving Murderer Jehovah's Witness Elder David L Pleake should be out of jail by now.
Watch out folks!