Tired and grumpy

by hambeak 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • hambeak

    worked all week and not doing anything tomorrow just rest.

    Other half is upset I won't cook and clean for the folks.

    Too bad let him sulk. I need a day off too. Guess I am just being selfish as I am told KFC is the order of the day. I just want to rest.

  • SPAZnik

    Rest is gooood!!! :)

  • Virgochik

    Let him cook and clean while you rest, sound like a plan?

  • crazyblondeb

    Make it Pizza Hut, they deliver!!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    worked all week and not doing anything tomorrow just rest.

    Right there with ya buddy. Except mix in trying to get over a virus/flu/cough.

  • Scully

    If it were me, I'd propose a compromise: If he does all the cleaning, you'll cook. Assemble a nice lasagne or spaghetti and a salad, and forget-about-it.

    Another alternative would be to suggest that he takes his folks out to dinner, and you bail to do your own thing.

    Maybe you guys need to move - so that dinner with the folks is not such a convenient thing for them.

  • misanthropic

    And why is it he can't cook and clean for his folks? Shesh, you deserve to rest. Everyone deserves a little down time, I don't blame you at all.

  • hambeak

    Scully this is why we are in Texas to take care of them as they are in their 80's and they are really ok but just demanding and grumpy. I work 60 hours a week and clean and cook at home, do all the laundrey while the other half is on the computer and we have to have a small disagreement when I want to get on this site.

    I guess I just want to run away and let all the burden of taking care of everything be on someone else for a while.

  • bikerchic

    Do what I do when I'm too tired to cook after a long day of work order out, put on a good flick and lay on the sofa and scratch and fart. If that don't clear the room nothing will......a few times of that treatment and maybe the other half and parents will get the hint and pitch in and do for themselves.... if nothing else.

    Be selfish, might do you some good!

    Cheers kiddo!

  • Scully

    bikerchic writes:

    Do what I do when I'm too tired to cook [snip] lay on the sofa and scratch and fart.

    I expect that kind of thing from onacruse... but I must say that I'm shocked and surprised!

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