Hey Gary,
I still have respect for the JWs who refused to give in to Hitler and suffered the consequences. One could make the argument that had they actively resisted they would have done more good. But then the counter-argument could be that such action could be non-Christian. I noticed they left out Rutherford's anti-Semitic remarks when in the early days he was apparently trying to curry favor with Hitler's regime. Again, an opportunity was missed to present both sides, resulting in a biased presentation satisfying those funding the project.
As to the blood issue, yes, they over-simplified what the JWs themselves have made an impossibly complex doctrine. With the fractions now allowed, particularly given the fact that some allowed fractions are derived by blood donated by non-JWs, it is meaningless for JWs to assert that they "abstain from blood". The section of liver Seth received from his dad, was of course, filled with whole blood, a seeming violation in itself. They excuse this by saying that you could never get all the blood out of meat that you consume. But was any effort ever made to drain the liver of blood before transplanting it? Of course, I'm glad Seth and his had are OK and things worked out well. The only conflicting point of view was presented by the grandmother, someone who apparently was never a witness, so her opinions can be easily dismissed as one who doesn't "get it".