they left me alone for a long time but the "territory" i live in seems to be more active. I am unable to just be the "nice lady" anymore and feel like I have to give them a 'thought for the day". I have always been a bit cautious as I am a 'final fade" for the past 17+ years and still have familiy in but the more i know, the less i can just wish them a nice day and respect what they are doing....
What do you do when the jw's call?
by sosad 12 Replies latest social family
Most times I ignore them and they go away.
Sometimes I answer and it's a game of mental jousting not unlike chess 'cept I know their moves. Sometimes I'm in my bathrobe and its funny to see their behaviour during the pitch. Sometimes it's fun to play along, entertain their delusions, agree with them and ask how much it costs to join their cult. LOL well maybe I was fibbin' on the last one,.....:-) But seriously, sometimes I can talk to them and it's no big thing. They're blissfully ignorant and I laugh about it afterwards.
But most times, I ignore them, like most people.
What do you do when the jw's call?
i take them to task about evolution of course!
Sometimes it's fun to play along, entertain their delusions, agree with them and ask how much it costs to join their cult. LOL
LOL Twitch, I've done that same thing....teeheee....then i was a return visit, now all I am getting is visits from the elders...*sigh*
I think it's worth looking from the perspective that they may be Dubs that have doubts. People might come to this forum who are still calling at doors and we treat them with respect and offer our support. Door callers in my opinion are potential defectors. Even the tiniest seeds of doubts can grow into might apostate oaks. We owe it to the JWs to help them become ex JWs.
option A) tell them that if they can prove Jerusalem was destroyed in 607BCE you will study with them
option B) give them a copy of Crisis of Conscience and ask them to come back when they have read it
I dont get called on often (once in last 3 years) and i just said not interested as it was 2 young guys, one about 16 and the other around 20. I would like to say SOMETHING if i ever get called on again but don't know what!
Maybe my dad and elder sexually molested me and admitted it - do you think he should be an elder? (Ans should be YES as he has been told by the boe that he can work towards it 3 times that i know of since he first admitted it in 1998)
LOL Twitch, I've done that same thing....teeheee....then i was a return visit, now all I am getting is visits from the elders...*sigh*
Yea, they did the same here. Let 'em bring out the big guns; nothing I haven't seen or heard before. Go ahead, do your worst,.....LOL
lol Buddy
I hear you.
They won't stop ringing my doorbell each weekend and it's quite annoying.
I would rather my bell not be rang unless it is someone there to specifically see me.