Can we change the subject? Just thinking about the meetings is making me physically ill.
Don't mind me. I'm leaving. Carry on.
Nvrgnbk to one more boring-to-the-point-of-tears meeting
by JH 29 Replies latest jw friends
Can we change the subject? Just thinking about the meetings is making me physically ill.
Don't mind me. I'm leaving. Carry on.
Nvrgnbk to one more boring-to-the-point-of-tears meeting
After Franz a prolific writer and also known as the oracle ceased to contribute, their
inspiration has gone out so there is hardly anything new each year.
As a matter of fact, which can usually be verified in the search feature of WT Library,
most newly published stuff is simply "cut and paste" from older articles. Just leave
out any old light, and put the new in.
New light is what drives the WT business model. Every new book means you have to get that book for the upcoming book study--period. You absolutely must have that new book even if you don't want it! And you are expected to donate for it, along with editions for your whole family. You'll also want one to some of your Bible studies and get their donation, too. Thus, the Society creates an artificial demand that they can profit from.
Abandoned said: Why I remember every year we'd get the km dealing with the upcoming district assembly and notice a change or two in the approved hotel list. Very stimulating.
Wow! That's almost enough to make me wanna go back! I just don't know if I could handle all those new hotel names being discussed without getting raptured right up to the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
What do the GB care how boring the meetings are for the R&F....they are living in their own little paradise.....King of the Hill in Patterson from fleecing the flock.
Without anything new and insightful they're on autopilot, circling in a holding pattern and hoping against hope that somehow Armageddon will come along and rescue them. Meanwhile, they're boring the wits out of any remaining JWs with an ounce of brains.
What they call ``education" is really ``indoctrination." They're toally clueless and growing less relevant by the hour. For example, how long has it taken them to realize that large chunks of the WTs they unload on the public (the so-called ``study articles") are so incomprehensible to the unitiated that they should be put into a JW-only magazine, as they've done recently.
They've long ago given up any pretense that the Sunday ``public lecture" is for the public. I went to one recently, and wondered what any worldly (read ``normal" here) person curious enough to wander in from the street and expecting to hear a talk about God's great purpose for rescuing suffering humanity would make of 45 minutes worth of such admonitions as to flush one's toilet and wash one's hands after use, to keep bookbags, automobiles and ones' property net, and to not regard any wortkmates and fellow schoolmates as friends.
I don't think I can say I ever experienced one single moment in a Kingdom Hall which felt religious (or "spiritual") or that educated me or even uplifted me.
It was a routine. It was socializing. There was behavior involved that fit a pattern in the week. It marked time.
It was a tick on a mental checklist.
Meeting attendance was not much different than going to elementary school, or standing in a queue or waiting for a bus. T'was something you did...had to do and not much else.
I remember singing the Kingdom Songs and metal folding chair eating into the cheeks of my bum. Intermission....more of the same.
Watchtower study....droning comments..microphone the being removed for outside discipline.....
There certainly was a place in my heart (and still is) for the connection. Yes, that is it!
Being "connected" to other people who share your world is the strongest feeling that remains. Looking back through the haze of years it is clear that the bond was illusory-yet.....I did FEEL a connection to others.
If I close my eyes I can see faces clearly. People....."friends"...."brothers and sisters"....companions (I thought) for eternity!
Yes, it was a lie. But, the delusion felt real and it is gone.
The feeling of belonging is gone. The connection and the belonging is all there ever was.
I pity the po fool who has sat his rump on those steely chairs for decade without end sipping the kool-aide of nonsensical myth and longing for a happy ending.
The idea that the people at any Kingdom Hall are learning anything new is almost laughable. What is there to learn? New light? Old, faded arguments?
It is pretty dismal to even consider.
Hello Terry,
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Especially true:
I don't think I can say I ever experienced one single moment in a Kingdom Hall which felt religious (or "spiritual") or that educated me or even uplifted me.
yes, many very gradually learn how much time they have wasted attending all these boring meetings for so many years.
The only time I ever was in a JW teaching setting where I felt people were there to learn and it was less structured was the 2-week pioneer school. Of course, I went several years ago and all the people here had some schooling beyond HS and were motivated to learn. I can't speak for people today.