Soooo ... they've been spying on us!

by bluesapphire 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bluesapphire

    My husband and I visited with an old friend who is about to be disfellowshipped and guess what he told us:

    Car groups regularly drive by our house to check it out. An elder said he saw ... gasp ... a Christmas tree this past Christmas (which he had to have snuck a look through a side window because our front windows always have the shutters closed!

    Too bad they weren't doing this last year when my hubby went all out with a blow up Santa on our roof and a sleigh and presents on our lawn!!!

    Someone also spread a rumor that we have a crucifix displayed - which we don't but it's funny to hear that we're so important that they actually spy on us.

    The best part is that we're not even a part of the congregation in the area where we live. We moved here about 4 years after we did our fade from a congregation 45 minutes away!

  • Finally-Free
    Car groups regularly drive by our house to check it out.

    They probably envy your freedom.


  • JH

    Can you feel the love?

    I wonder if they would drive by your home to see if you had enough food in your refigerator if you were poor?

  • geevee

    I guess they must. My brother accused us of having a christmas tree in the front window last christmas.....which we didnt, but someone made up a story and spread it to sound credible. We did have a small one inside this year. If anyone saw that they would have had to have broken into the house. Too much free time on their hands. They need to pray more, go to more meetings, do more personal study and go door knocking more.......I'd say.

  • Confession

    Ah yes, spies. Like the spies that will spend all night, watching a house where a non-married man and woman are alone--because of a Watchtower policy that says this is "evidence" of fornication. <---spyglasses...

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Car groups regularly drive by our house to check it out. An elder said he saw ... gasp ... a Christmas tree this past Christmas (which he had to have snuck a look through a side window because our front windows always have the shutters closed!

    Too bad they weren't doing this last year when my hubby went all out with a blow up Santa on our roof and a sleigh and presents on our lawn!!!

    Someone also spread a rumor that we have a crucifix displayed - which we don't but it's funny to hear that we're so important that they actually spy on us.

    The best part is that we're not even a part of the congregation in the area where we live. We moved here about 4 years after we did our fade from a congregation 45 minutes away!

    LOL, BlueSapphire! They just don't have anything else to live for, yanno? This reminds me of the gossipy aftermath of my dF'ing (for "a pause to see" after I wrote the GB a letter calling them "liars, hypocrites and whitewashed graves" they are).

    I ran into my niece about 5 yrs after and she told me about some of the rumors that were passed around about me. It seems that people in the KH's in that area were led to believe that I had changed my name (???) and started a new religion!!! I did NEITHER, so I thought it was amusing to hear this. The length they will go to in order to make sure none of their other victims followers speak to anyone dF'd!!! LOL!


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    Not surprising.

    The little peeping toms probably aren't even aware of this scripture:

    Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders..." (1 Thes 4:11-12).

    Of course, the WTBTS publications trump the Bible in their voyeuristic world.


  • greendawn

    If Christmas trees and crucixes are really that bad why were the dubs using them for 50 years? Then Rutherford wanted to alienate and isolate them from the rest of the christian world so as to be able to better control and manipulate them and came up with all these silly ideas about Christmas, birthdays and crucifixes being satanic. The dubs can never see that he was a lawyer by profession and not a theologian and he shouldn't have been meddling in formulating religious doctrine, it wasn't his field. They would spy on their members being such a controlling cult.

  • anewme


  • free2think

    RFLMAO. Bet you're glad you're out now!

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