We on this forum were all more or less unhappy with the WTS for one reason or other and inevitably we left that religion which we consider to be in fact a cult. We can't understand or imagine how anyone could be happy living in that negative environment yet there seem to be quite a few dubs that are happy and content being JWs. Apart from the obvious ones eg those that have some status which gives them a sense of importance why do others feel happy being there? Do you personally know such happy dubbies?
There are JWs happy to be in that org
by greendawn 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't think that nearly as many Witnesses are happy with the non-social aspects of their faith as there used to be. I remember being happy and seeing many other happy Witnesses in the 80's and early 90's. These days though, if it's not a "get-together" or a "pot-share" or a convention where you can walk around half the time, most Witnesses seem pretty dismal.
I could be imagining that and it's highly subjective, but it seems that way to me. They light up and enjoy the social aspects, but the worship and preaching aspects don't seem very popular or (forgive me) "happifying." -
I remember that there were people who were happy - mainly families who did a lot of stuff with other families, made sure their kids had activities, fun, friends. There was a group of a half-dozen families centered around one popular woman who loved her kids and was pretty reasonable about their activities. Also, those who had position and power were happy, why not? There was no place as far as I could see for single people in those congregations, we were really outsiders and often just ignored and rather unhappy and lonely in the midst of those happy people. Not everyone has the horrible experiences we had, and not everyone cares about the logic of it, or whether or not it is actually TRUE. some are quite comfortable to have their lives full of activities and some good reason to look down on outsiders. In fact I remember one good friend, the husband of this woman, who admitted to me when I was on my way out, that he didn't believe any of it, but why rock the boat? He was comfortable with attending meetings now and then, working to support his family and letting his wife take care of everything else.
Greendawn....I`m a DubKid..An Old DubKid..LOL!!..I`ve seen it all..The happy JW``s have:..Settled for thier exsistance..Have substance abuse problem`s( alcohol no#1)..Or..Are marginaley retarted ...OUTLAW
I know many happy JWS. The main reason why they are happy despite the badness that abounds within Jehovahs Organization is because they follow the example of Josiah and ones like him. You see, Josiah lived in very turbulent times within Gods organized people, Isreal. He took the throne I believe at the age of eight! Well, if anyone knows the story, Josiahs task was not an easy one. Yes, he was King of Gods people, his Organized group of worshipers, Isreal. Things were not all HUGS AND KISSES within the Organizattion. If you read up on it, there were many problems, I can say that it was worse back then, then it is now, IMAGINE THAT!
What kind of problems were there you ask? Good question Hypocracy, liars, murderers, fornicators, false servants, CONSPIRACY, IDOLATRY and any other wickedness you can imagine. They had HIGH places spread throughout the land sacrificing to false gods. I would say, that is enough to bring a FAITHFUL servant of God down back in those days. If someone were to give up serving Jehovah, those conditions were ripe for it. Not josiah! Why? Because it is recorded that he didn't follow in the footsteps of those people back then. He followed in the foot steps of his fore father David. He DID what was right in Jehovahs eyes despite all the hypocrites around him. He didn't allow all the hypocracy and negativity get to him. He clung to people who were DOING WHAT WAS RIGHT IN JEHOVAHS EYES and to God Himself and persevered.
It is NO DIFFERENT today. We are encouraged to put up a fine fight for the faith. Those words let us know that it won't be easy! So I guess my answer to your question would be............why do others feel happy being there?Because they are doing what is right in Jehovahs eyes just like Josiah!
The happiest dubs seem to have the most mental and physical issues. Take a woman with well-known mental issues: this pioneer sister has a perma-smile plastered across her face. Even amongst dubs, her wild "facts" are good for a snicker or two. But she seems to be as happy as a clam, pioneering every day and living on next to nothing.
Another pioneer mother and daughter say they are happy to be in the field ministry. The mother has a number of crippling physical conditions.
I think for both of these cases, the GB's "insta-healing" of the "New
OrderSystem" is too powerful of a concept to try and disprove. -
Oh I thought I was happy. (How could I not be happy in Jehovah's one true organization?)
I did not want to believe it wasn't The Truth. But upon conductng an objective investigation--and discovering it wasn't--I left. It is only since then that I've allowed myself to admit that I wasn't really happy. I submit that there are many in the organization who suffer from the same institutional manipulation and self-deception.
There are also those (like one friend I know,) who are so depressed and emotionally fragile, the only thing that keeps them going is this hope in The New System. They think that makes them happy.
agapa37: I threw up a little, in my mouth. Thanks.
The people around me are all in it because the NEW SYSTEM is going to do something for them: make them
healthy, make them young, give them their own home, their own job, their own vineyard, etc.... In other words, they wait on the fairy tale to get all the things
they really could have right now since their expectations, frankly, are physical. Very little of the spiritual in JW's. I was a pioneer and elder and was "happy" when
I believed I was really helping people draw close to God because I believed they could find the healing and joy they needed coupled with true purpose. The
"requirements" of the Borg, however, were far too heavy for me to square with the light and refreshing yoke of Christ. And the more I wanted to help others,
the more the contradiction became obvious. That didn't make me "happy."
There can be "happy" times there, social parties, getting together skating, picnicking, getting together for building(in itself) a KH, volunteer work at assembly(was more fun that sitting thru the program). But still all those happy times were our "own ability/talent" to make some things in life there fun or enjoyable. Scenario: the slaves made some fun times for themselves, in spite of "slavery", they sang, they danced and prepared great food; not because of slavery but for their way to survive. The "joy" of life does not come from the GB.