April KM says that there is to be a new campaign again this year - clearly the WTS feels that this is the way to go. I thought that the results last year were quite poor , but apparently in some countries , the DC venues were beseiged - the culture in some lands is that when you get an invitation to anything , you go. Some people obviously don't get asked out much - not that I can relate to that personally , of course...
New invitation campaign for District Convention
by dozy 14 Replies latest jw friends
If they keep doing these the Dubs will stop getting excited about them.
Well all I can say is that all these campaigns are certainly having the desired effect. Have you seen the publisher figures in the most recent KMs? The numbers for October and November are quite impressive over those months in previous years. That is no doubt due to Kingdom News tract effort. This seems further evidence to me that such special campaigns are more effective in mobilising inactive Witnesses than in bringing in new converts.
Based on recent KM figures I would not be surprised to see as much as a 2% increase in British publishers in the next report.
Zico is certainly right that it is subject to diminishing returns though.
The invite for my area says the convention venue has 21 men's rooms and 25 women's rooms. This will bring them in, since
lack of proper loos keeps many from finding the true religion.
SBF said: Have you seen the publisher figures in the most recent KMs? The numbers for October and November are quite impressive over those months in previous years. That is no doubt due to Kingdom News tract effort.
Ya, that's because the R&F were told that the GB "fully expected" the tract to trigger the Great Tribulation by the end of the year. Hmmm....looks to me like this System of Things is still here..........I'm sure alot of Dubs have noticed that that stupid tract didn't have ANY effect on anyone outside of the Borg and life will continue to go on as it did before. The only difference this time, is that the Darth Jaracz and his cronies were smart enough not to put anything in writing this time.
If they keep doing these the Dubs will stop getting excited about them.
It's much like dealing drugs. When the desired effect of the "special" campaigns wears off they'll have to step up to harder stuff. Naked, co-ed auxillary pioneering perhaps?
Glad to be off the drugs,
lack of proper loos keeps many from finding the true religion.
Great comment, Zack.
As far as the reason for this campaign- just look at the rough numbers in the USA.
If 1 Million drones distribute 50 million flimsy flyers, it's still cheaper for the Borg than
those same 1 million distributing between 2 and 20 million magazines in that same
time period. Even 2 million mags would be 2 x 32 pages = 64 million pages.
They always printed Memorial invites on little cards, so now they eliminate that, too.The Borg figure how many will come to the Memorial. I don't know how they do it, but
even if the campaign is unsuccessful, it's cheaper this way, and the drones are busy.I still say they need to get them to "count" flyers, so they feel special about their
accomplishments. -
The increase in numbers seems to be only in the number of people handing out tracts. I wonder if the # of magazines, brochures, books has increased at the same rate, as well as the number of return visits and bible studies? Originally, the "field service" for most members of the WTS (pre-JWs) was handing out tracts; little attention was made to calling back and studying with people. In fact, the WTS did not really push "bible studies" until 1937 with several booklets called Model Study.
Looks like they are regressing with the focus on getting as many out giving people tracts. Most will do that but don't want the commitment to prepare a presentation, make return visits, or try and start studies.
*** jv chap. 25 pp. 557-558 Preaching Publicly and From House to House ***
As early as 1881, literature of the Bible Students was being handed out free of charge near the churches—not right at the church doors but nearby so that people who were religiously inclined would receive it. Many of the Bible Students gave such literature to acquaintances or sent it out by mail. By 1903 the WatchTower recommended that they endeavor to reach everyone by house-to-house distribution of the tracts, instead of concentrating on church attenders. Not all Bible Students did this, but many responded with real zeal. It was reported, for example, that in a number of the large cities in the United States, as well as in their suburbs for ten miles [16km] or more in every direction, practically every house was visited. Millions upon millions of tracts, or booklets, were put out in this way. At that time most Bible Students who had a share in spreading the good news did it by some kind of free distribution of tracts and other literature.
Zack said:
The invite for my area says the convention venue has 21 men's rooms and 25 women's rooms. This will bring them in, since
lack of proper loos keeps many from finding the true religion
But the big question is~~~~~~~~WILL TP STILL BE RATIONED??