A truly whacked out scenario

by Jourles 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles

    If you think about it, the WTS's version of paradise is fully open to interpretation. Let's say you are resurrected under WTS rule on earth. How are they going to make you live by their rules? Are there going to be WT prisons for those who rebel? Are they simply hoping that by being resurrected that you will automatically succumb to God's way of things and live a fruitful life under their direction? What I'd like to know is what will happen to the people who are brought back, but after living on earth for a year, decide they want to go out on their own without any help from the WTS? Will they be free to live their lives as they see fit for a thousand years until "Satan is let loose?" I can see a whole lotta murders and crime still occurring during this time of "peace." Nope. Their version does not make any sense to me.

    Of course, this is still all a what if scenario.

  • misocup
    I had already made up my mind that if I was unfortunate enough to survive armageddon I would blow my own head off.

    Finally-Free, -- You'd probably have to chop your head off with a plow share, no more guns.

    Let's say you are resurrected under WTS rule on earth.

    I thought they used to teach that the resurected would be given a short time to convert and if they didn't, Jehovah would kill them.

  • Finally-Free
    Finally-Free, -- You'd probably have to chop your head off with a plow share, no more guns.

    I had a few stashed, but going after a few elders with a plow share could be fun, and would probably achieve the desired result.


  • Jourles
    I thought they used to teach that the resurected would be given a short time to convert and if they didn't, Jehovah would kill them.

    A thousand years is but a day in jehover's eyes. So yes, it would be a short period of time if you look at it that way.

  • BluesBrother

    As somebody said "life is better than death" Actually the dubs in my family view the New World very differently to the silly pictures in the books and as it is seen on this board . I am often told that they believe that the rules will be able to be relaxed , each will answer direct to Jesus & to God - and they see it as a time of more freedom - Wishful Thinking?

    But if I, as a closet apostate were to still get a ress. - then it would mean that the bulk of mankind could not have been slaughtered because in their eyes I, and all of us, are the worst of the lot.. So if I am there, all of you will be too - We can have an International Apostafest !

  • jaguarbass

    Would you be happy to be resurrected in this scenario, or would you say F-it, kill me?

    The reason I left the watchtower was they didnt have the truth. 1975 came and went. If they had the truth, I probably would go along with the rules. If they had the truth, they might be a more loving organization.

    Truth is conforming to reality, many religions do not conform with reality.

    The jw's are a known entity there is no doubt they are a false prophet worthy of destruction.

    Of course the above line is based on scripture and I dont think scripture is a very good document to live your life by.

  • garybuss

    You wrote: "What if they then told you that the JW's were right, you were wrong, and now you get to live under the direction of the WTS for at least the next 1,000 years?"

    I'd stick around and try to show the bastards where they're wrong and I'm right.

  • Borgia

    Actually, the Aposta Fest would be visited by many people.
    The number of these is as the sand of the sea. 9 And they advanced over the breadth of the earth and encircled the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city. At the end of the GLOBAL Apostafest, there seems to be an enormous firework culminating in a big bang, which would make 1 jan timessquare a boring event.

    However, on the what if.....I would go on living. Making fun, taking the mickey out of them. See above.



  • under_believer

    I'd choose life over death.

    And if that was really the way things were supposed to be, I'd go along with it.

    However we clearly aren't going to need to worry about it.


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