If you think about it, the WTS's version of paradise is fully open to interpretation. Let's say you are resurrected under WTS rule on earth. How are they going to make you live by their rules? Are there going to be WT prisons for those who rebel? Are they simply hoping that by being resurrected that you will automatically succumb to God's way of things and live a fruitful life under their direction? What I'd like to know is what will happen to the people who are brought back, but after living on earth for a year, decide they want to go out on their own without any help from the WTS? Will they be free to live their lives as they see fit for a thousand years until "Satan is let loose?" I can see a whole lotta murders and crime still occurring during this time of "peace." Nope. Their version does not make any sense to me.
Of course, this is still all a what if scenario.