LIke anything you buy today, there is always something written in fine print that means, your product won't be covered under such and such eventualities.
Now lets apply this to the Watchtower.
What do you think the watchtower should have put in fine print so that the new JW's who just joined can see what awaits them...
This is what I would have written in fine print, if I was the Watchtower.
Your new journey starts here. From now on, you dump all your worldy friends and family that don't want to become JW's. Once baptized, you can't look back and question the Watchtower. Doing so will make you a marked one, and you won't be able to socialize with the rest of the congregation. Whatever you learn at meetings isn't neccessarilly the truth, but it will be considered the truth, for as long as newer light doesn't No matter how long you've served as a JW, the slightlest mistake on your part, will lead to shunning.
OK, make your own Watchtower fine print...