Funeral - What can I expect?

by WMSheep 17 Replies latest social family

  • OnTheWayOut

    No apology necessary. I and others answered as complete as possible. Many people are
    shaken up at their loss and the unusual things about JW's do not help. Others like yourself
    just want to know, and are prepared well. I guess I can say, "Enjoy the funeral" and good for
    you that you are able to represent the father in such a miserable situation.

  • garybuss

    (The Watchtower, June 15, 1950, p.192)
    But consecrated Christians arrange for a witness to the truth at the funeral. This is taking advantage of an opportunity.

    (The Watchtower, Oct. 15, 1952, p.639)
    Questions from Readers
    But dedicated Christians arrange for a witness to the truth at the funeral. This is taking advantage of an opportunity.

  • BluesBrother

    There was a funeral in our family a while back , even the die hard dubs grumbled that there was too much scripture and not enough about the deceased

    In my day we had it at the crematorium chapel, but now they seem to hold it at the KH, and just immediate family go to the crem with the coffin.

  • 5go
    Ever see an Info-mercial on TV..Basicly it`s just a 30-60min.Commercial about a certain product..A JW funeral is the same way..Its not about the person who has passed away..It`s an opportunity for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society to peddle thier religion..The deceased is mearly a prop for the commercial..I`m sorry..I know that sounds terrible..But..Thats how it is.....My condolences for your loss...OUTLAW

    DITTO !

  • WMSheep

    Just found out that my aunt (who is organising things) was asked by the elder who is doing the service if there was anything she wanted during the service; her reply was that she didnt want the congregation (or should that be "The Collective) "to flick through their Bibles at every possible mention" as she had found the sound offputting at her mother`s funeral. What are the chances of that happening I wonder? Also found out that my fathers father has left everything to the JW`s; that`s going to be the best part of £200,000. I`d love to contest that will but I`m not sure I`d stand anything near a chance of winning. WMS

  • MeneMene

    You mentioned that most of your family are not JWs. Have you discussed the possibility of contesting the Will with any of the other direct descendants like yourself? Perhaps several of you could get together and consult with an attorney concerning contesting the Will.

    Do you know how long ago your father's father signed the Will? Was he very old and perhaps not completely competent?
    I would strongly encourage you to at least try to keep the $$$ from the WTS.

    My father's family just gave their inheritance of about $600,000 to WTS last year. Elders went to the hospital with a completed Will and had the person who had Alzheimers sign it leaving everything to WTS. After his death there were other, in my opinion, criminal acts that took place that I won't go into here. Since my JW father is living I was not in a legal position (beneficiary) to dispute what happened.

    I have been told that if there is a dispute the WTS will not force the issue. They have become so greedy over the last several years that may no longer be the case.

    I would encourage you to at least try - even if you don't need the money - just to keep the WTS from getting it.

  • purplesofa

    my brother died last summer.........the amount of scriptures that were looked up is rediculous. Hell, you are grieving, crying, cant think and they got you flippn flipping through the bible 90 to nothing. What a time to make you feel like hell for not being able to speed read thru the bible

  • WMSheep

    Well, there is also the fact that his 2nd wife (hereafter referred to as "The Mad Cat Lady" (TMCL)) is still living and in theory things could be going to her (I think). Having said that, TMCL IS currently in a home, on her last legs and has senile dementure. Not sure what the other members of the family think - I`m pretty sure that my aunt is just going with the flow just to get things over and done with; but her husband hates the JW`s with a passion so he would be an ally. I`ll see about testing the waters when I get down there. WMS

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