Does the GB believe the doctrine themselves?

by GBSJG 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • greendawn

    There are no doubt many cults out there that are even worse than the dubs who as cults go are not among the most aggressive and destructive of them all. I personally have no doubt that the GB members know full well that many of their doctrines and practices are wrong but they went into a denial mode and refuse to admit it to themselves by finding all sorts of silly excuses. To put it otherwise they don't care one bit since they are out to exploit their followers in one way or other.

  • Blueblades

    In Ray Franz's book COC. he mentions that the Governing Body must have a two thirds vote to pass any doctrine that they teach. Some of them are unsure about 1914, the majority vote won as to keeping 1914. Some wanted to make 1956 as the date for the start of the end times.

    That's when sputnik space craft went into space by the Russians. They were trying to tie that into the signs in heaven that Jesus use for the time of the end. This would of moved all the end time dates forward by 42 years. Which would of pushed 1975 to the year 2017 and the generation changed would of been pushed up to 2037.

    Imagine what that would of done for the society if they changed 1914 to 1956. They still might have that one in their bag of tricks. All it takes is a two thirds vote.


  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Old ignorant uneducated men with the power of God in their hands is never a good thing for humanity and never will be.

    They believe in the organizational structuring that brought them to power, what man doesn't want to be a king in a kingdom

    of 6 million people after all, power gained is power achieved.

  • garybuss

    There's only two choices for the Witness leaders. Either they're dishonest, or they're deluded. Those are the questions of the naive or of the casual observer. Those are never the questions of the people who have researched the company's history and thought about events and timing.

    To what extent are they conscious frauds? To what extent are they self deluded? These are not good questions to have to ask about the guys enforcing laws about how we treat and mis-treat our children and our families. They look like a political party, they claim to be a religion, they use the Bible as secondary support. These guys are following a script. They're a Fascist dictatorship seeking workers and making victims.

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Well said Garry......

  • zack

    They do not believe their doctrines. Quite frankly, I am not sure if they all understand just what "THE DOCTRINE" is--- and that just judging

    by the latest WT's, which contain contradictions WITHIN the same magazine. What they will always hold on to is their grip over believers.

    They are anti-christ.

  • IsaacJS2

    I think it's possible that they mean well, but I have serious doubts. I think it's likely that some of them more or less meant well, but ended up making too many compromises once they got near the top and are now corrupt. I also think that at least some of them pretty much figured out what was going on from the beginning. But the extent of it all is definitely something I wonder about.

    This is a very well oiled machine for no one to know what's going on. Playing on this much psychology--which is a strange and subtle thing--takes skill and forethought. It is unlikely that they just sorta stumbled upon it by accident, especially given the level of paranoia they exhibit and how many years they'd kept things running this way.


  • hamsterbait

    In the parable Christ says "if that slave should say IN HIS HEART "my master is delaying " then... etc"

    it does not say that the slave would go round telling everybody that he no longer had confidence that Christ was coming soon.

    These dust farting old reptiles have spent the last hundred years seeing every single prediction they made FAIL FAIL AND FAIL AGAIN. Could it be that they now realize that Russel Rutherford and others were indeed charlatans?

    They are beating the sheep, and associating with other political and religious elements they used to call the "drunkards" and "fornicators".

    If they truly do not believe in an afterlife, I think they see the worst thing they could do is pretend so they can die comfortably in Patterson, rather than being thrown out onto the streets at 90.

    Do their actions prove otherwise??


  • yaddayadda

    You can't just throw a blanket over all JW teachings and ask 'do they believe their own doctrines'. It's not as simple as that.

    Many of the JW's teachings are compelling, particularly their rejection of the trinity and immortal soul dogmas. Even the 'arch-apostate' himself, Ray Franz, evidently still believes these fundamental JW teachings. So there is absolutely no reason to suspect that the GB don't believe all of their own CORE doctrines.

    On the other hand, there are a lot JW teachings that are much less compelling, in fact, that are clearly quite erroneous, eg, 1914. It is these other, much more debateable doctrines, that no doubt some of the GB harbour doubts about. Ray Franz made this plain in his books when he referred to certain doubts some GB members had in such teachings even back in his time. But this doesn't affect them because they remain convinced of the core doctrines.

    This is the real concept that binds JW's, including the GB, to the organisation, despite having doubts on some things: The fact that they teach a certain framework of fundamental 'truths' (no-trinity, no immortal soul, no hellfire) and are the biggest group by far to uphold these teachings.

    The GB and rank and file may be bugged about some of the lesser, fringe teachings, but as long as they don't change their fundamental body of doctrines they will always maintain a large, loyal following.


    WBT$ believes everything they print..Until they don`t..Then you better not believe it either..Now stop thinking for yourself..Stop asking so many dam questions and do as your bloody well told..LOL!!...OUTLAW

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