Young people and older people educated to the 21st century now go on the Internet for research and everything as easily and naturally as turning on the radio/tv. There's no stopping JW/WT exposure now!!!
JW's and the internet
by *jeremiah* 27 Replies latest jw experiences
Young people and older people educated to the 21st century now go on the Internet for research and everything as easily and naturally as turning on the radio/tv. There's no stopping JW/WT exposure now!!!
Right Gayle, I especially believe that teenagers now are going to be more receptive to looking into the WT because of the internet. Many young people these days grew up on the internet both at home and in school and have less of a preconcieved notion about "it's dangers". The GB is in a weird mental chess match with it's people and so I wonder what their next move will be as far as the internet in concerned. It seems like right now they are sending out a lot of warnings about the internet and what not to look at or do,...but how much longer can they keep that up? I wonder if they will ever completely ban it altogether.
I wonder if they will ever completely ban it altogether.
That would make sence one of the GB said something hard to take was in the pipeline.
My mom is convinced if she goes to a site, other than the approved one, demons will infest her computer....making it demonized!! And she's for real.
My stepdaughters, now 21, won't use the 'net for anything except myspace and IF they have to look something up for school. That's it. How sad.
and if you want to know about something (a religion) need to go to the source...
$$$$$$$$$$yes Ford makes the best cars in the world, how do i know, i read it in the Ford Brochure in the sales room
I wonder if these same JWs feel the same way about their TV. Does it become demonized if they flip on an R-rated movie, or a show with a seance scene, or one that features violence, or if they watch a comedian that swears?
There was a time that the WTS was stern about the TV, back in the 50's.
*** w56 8/1 p. 463 par. 10 Jehovah’s Message Against Gog of Magog ***
News agencies and propaganda organs of this world, by the skill of their writers and orators and through the medium of public press, radio, cinema and television, continually praise and extol the virtues of this present system of things, this "present evil world," and thus they too serve well as tools of Satan.
*** w51 3/15 p. 164 Time Better than Money ***
But instead of a moderate use of television by people generally, what do we frequently find? The evening meal over, the family rush for their seats before the television screen, there to sit for hours, till bedtime. No time for family conversation. No time for study. No time to serve God. Only time for television. Just time to sit before the screen and soak up propaganda and entertainment. So absorbed are they that they may refuse to leave their seats before the television for an hour a week, to share in a home Bible study.
But will television deliver them at Armageddon? Will their little god of the living room shelter them from Jehovah’s wrath? Time consumed on it might have been used to study, to transform their mind, to make it over, to gain godly wisdom, which is not to be compared to rubies, silver, gold, money or television; but instead they will be "destroyed for lack of knowledge". (Hos. 4:6) The marvelous invention has been misused by them till it has become a satanic snare to capture their mind, to keep their eye glued to a television screen, not allowing them time to see the sign of the second presence of Christ or to mentally discern the import of such sign and learn what they should do to successfully meet the crisis.
I think places like this forum are extremely helpful for many JWs who are expressing doubts about their religion.
The problem I found when I first started my internet searches was that I came across a lot of sites that were indeed full of hatred, and tended to be counterproductive given my fragile spiritual state at the time. Also, many of these anti-WT sites were trying to promote some other kind of "Christian" religion, and I wasn't interested! What I was looking for, and eventually found was sincere voices who didn't want to give me another religion and who didn't want to knock down without building up. It was via the internet that I learned about "Crisis Of Conscience". I read tentatively through that book and was touched by the calm manner in which Ray Franz gave an account of his experiences.
There are many JWs, I believe, who want to remain spiritual persons but who are afraid that the great religious edifice upon which their lives are built will come crashing down and they will be unable to pick up the pieces if they start researching. They will be helped only through a carefully planned exit strategy, and I don't think a lot stuff out on the internet will facilitate that very well. If we want to help set others free from the grip of the WTS we have to have a sense of responsibility in what we write. Doubting JWs need our empathy and patience, and to be shown that anything that they might interpret as 'hatred' is not directed against them personally, but against the WTS. They must be shown that the GB "have seated themselves in the seat of Moses" (Matthew 23:2) as a prophet (or mouthpiece) of God, and therefore deserve to be weighed in the balance.
watch out, the spider is on the web
If I had the internet back in the 1980's I would have thoroughly used it. Most dubs don't because they have been cleverly manipulated to avoid the internet regarding all religious issues and even discouraged the dubs from setting up their own pro JW websites. As a result they are confined to WT's own site and a handful of others eg some JW forums while there are thousands of anti JW ones.