So I went to see my mom, and she was doing a lot better. She was a lot more clear headed. She was for the most part very much back in reality although she still thinks she was held down under a streetlight and beat by three black men just because she was standing there.
She has agreed that she will stay where she is and that it is best and she asked that I tell my brother that if something happens she wants to make sure we DNR. (We already knew and signed that)
It was a nice visit and she was back to her friendly self. Hopefully the antibiotics help her with the last of the cdonfusion and she should be able to continue to make friends like she has been doing today. She has been visiting and trying to cheer other people up. That is more like it.
She does not remember anything she said pretty mush from the last week....I think I will leave it that way for the most part.