When I first came to this forum I was of the belief that those of us who were still in due to family reasons were few in numbers perhaps one in a thousand in the Jws. Soon I came to the realization that there were many more. We have dozens of posters here who are mentally out but still in. So I then started thinking that perhaps 1% or so of a typical congregation were 'underground' apostates.
So my first question is, how many on this board are still in?
My second question, What percentage of the congregation know TTATT but are still in for whatever circumstances?
Then there is the possibility that the numbers might exceed 1%, perhaps 2 or 3%. That would mean that there would be 2 perhaps more underground apostates in a congregation probably unknown to each other.
My third question is, Do you know of any other underground apostate (not including your spouse or children)? Do you talk to each other about TTATT?