ATLANTIS provided a UK Branch letter regarding a £3 levy per publisher to pay for the Britain Branch C.O.s 85 new cars.
With approximately 120,000 publishers in the UK, that will rake in £360,000.
However, divided by 85, this only equates to £4235 per car!! And as far as I'm aware, the C.O.s use the cars for 4 years.
I neither believe the Org can purchase cars at that price, nor do I believe that they will heavily subsidise the Circuit cars.
My question: is the £3 publisher "tax" a yearly commitment for the duration of the car's usage, rather than a one-off?
p.s. When the cars are sold off after 4 years, the proceeds DON'T go back to the Circuits who actually PAID for the cars, the cash is claimed by the Branch, rather than being used to finance the new cars. (as far as I've been led to believe!)