At what age can a bethelite retire?

by moomanchu 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • onacruse


    Get a feel for how they feel. Were they forced out onto the road again?

    Asking them friendly questions can reveal a bitterness they might have.

    That's why I phrased my question as I did: "with all due respect."

    And I meant that. I've walked in those shoes, and asked, and been asked, those same questions.

    If that means anything, then perhaps it at least entitles me to simply ask the question.



  • OnTheWayOut

    During the 2004 service year, Jehovah’s Witnesses spent over $93 million in caring for special pioneers, missionaries, and traveling overseers in their field service assignments.

    Jehovah's Witnesses- lump it all together, because the bulk of that was submitted to circuits and congregations.

  • moomanchu

    That's why I phrased my question as I did: "with all due respect."

    And I meant that. I've walked in those shoes, and asked, and been asked, those same questions.

    I suppose I could ask but, we're not on very good speaking terms, they consider me borderline apostate.I think I will bring the subject up next time I see them we have some inheritance issues coming up so the subject will be relative.

    Were you at bethel ? You might know them.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Asking them friendly questions can reveal a bitterness they might have.

    It's good to have bitterness toward the WTS.

    Ona, I agreed with you. I would ask friendly, yet pointed questions and
    I would want to see if they duck them, reveal their bitterness, or say
    "Our wonderful Mother organization blessed us with further assignments in the field."

  • onacruse

    moomanchu, thank you for taking my post in the way I intended it. And yes, I was at Bethel. After I made this post, Kate and I talked about it, and it reminded me of so many things I'd forgotten...including the sacrifices that the Upper Bronx families made in my behalf (one of only 4 "white boys" that far north of Brooklyn), the meals they served up for me, probably (though not that they ever said so to me) at the cost of cutting short their grocery bill for the next week...just because I was Bethelite, and they were so "blessed" to have me in their home.

    And then the "hands-behind-the-back" that many Bethelites did (I couldn't do that), and the G-jobbing (I couldn't do that either), and the money that I asked from my folks just to pay for subway tokens.

    Sorry for my ranting on...

  • nvrgnbk

    Hello moo,

    What circumstances or age would allow a bethelite to retire?

    Nowadays you don't have to retire. Once they've sucked all of the vital juices out of you, they'll "retire" you and call it a wonderful and exciting new avenue of sacred service.Ex.- Special pioneering in North Dakota.

    Love and respect to all former Bethel inmates,


  • blondie

    I realize that the bulk of the $93 million did not go into the pockets of the special pioneers; just proof that they do receive some money. All the special pioners I knew had to work secularly to made ends meet. Back in the late 60's they got about $50 a month, definitely not enough to pay the rent and put food on the table or gas in your car. But they had to make their monthly hour quotas.


  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    In the country where I'm currently living, the special pioneers get roughly $700 per month. Too difficult to live on their own, so the WTS eliminated all single special pioneers in this region. The only special pioneers are couples, which mean about $1400 per month for the both of them.

    From what I was told by them, their monthly stipend will remain the same regardless to whatever country they are to be assigned. For example, if a couple from this country (getting $1400 a month) were to be assigned as a special pioneer in a third world country, let's say Viet Nam, then they will still retain most of that amount because that was the standard of living that they are used to. Imagine getting $1400 a month as a special pioneer couple in Viet Nam where it takes 6 months for a local native couple working 12 hour days 7 days a week to make the same amount.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think the Borg just dismantles them and use the parts to make new Bethelites.

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