Is The Watchtower Society—A Prison Sentence?

by The wanderer 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    When we were up in New York in 2005 we were going to stop in "undercover" and see the Walkill branch, as we were approcahing the complex, we came over top a hill, and I was so dumbfounded. I told Sybil in the car "this place looks like a prison" she said "of course it is a prison of the mind" Anyway yeah it is a prison, and usually the only ones to escape unharmed are those that joined as adults and didnt have any family in it. The children growing up in this mess really have a hard go at it.

  • crazyblondeb

    I think of it as being sentenced to death row!!

  • esw1966

    It is kind of a self afflicted prison sentence. It makes you do things that you would not think to do normally. You convince yourself that it is the right thing to do, despite your natural inclination to do so. Example: shunning, not being friendly to 'worldly' people, buying a 4 door car, hair styles, no beard, not talking to family members because they are Christian but not jw's, not reading material from outside watchtower sources, thinking Jesus died on a pole and not a cross, not celebrating a birthday or saying God bless you.

    Things that are normal and fine to do, but suddenly you are judged adversely due to undo peer pressure from those at the hall. Because you are hoping to move up the company ladder, or even keep the 'friends' you currently have, you must conform to move up or even to have friends. I knew of a brother who wanted to be an elder, but was denied for the reason he was taking square dancing lessons with his wife. It was viewed as a dangerous thing and not exemplary. He quit and now is an elder.

    It makes you less of your true self. It robs you of your soul. And you are not even aware of it! Slowly you are robbed of your personality! Then you are sad or depressed or discouraged and you think that it must be Satan or some personal sin or not enough study that makes you feel the way you do. Not realizing that you are robbed of your individuality and you are suffering for it!

  • serenitynow

    My ex has returned to 'the truth' and in the process lost his family and the beautiful life we had. He said he is doing this to "better himself" and that he is doing it "for the family". His life is now a treadmill of work and meetings and lovebombing by the dubs. He sees his kids once a fortnight. So, yes, to me he is living in a prison of rules and regulations. He is a prisoner of the future, worrying about the Big A.

    After my ordeal with the dubs, it has made me more acutely aware of personal and spiritual freedom. As part of my 'cleansing' and to commemorate this new awakening I decided to get a tattoo of a phoenix with the word "Libera" - latin for freedom. It is a constant reminder to celebrate my liberation and freedom.


    Wanderer..Yes,many people feel they have escaped a prison called the Jehovah`s Witness`s..Read some of the Bethelite Storys from people like NewBoy..Those guys saw what life was like,at the top..They spoke of thier time at "WBT$ Headquarters" as though it were a "Prison Sentence"..It was miserable!.."Shit roles down Hill!!"..Is it any wonder the R&F Jehovah`s Witness`s feel the same way???...OUTLAW

  • Stealth453

    I would go so far as to say that all "religion" is a prison. It keeps people in line through the use of fear, and the promise of possible rewards.

    I also think, that the watchliars have perfected this "mind prison".

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Anything that takes away your freedom of speech, your right to vote, the freedom to choose your medical care and basically your rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a prison. They may not hold you physically, but the bonds around your mind are very real. It would be different if you were free to walk away without consequences when you chose to, but we all know this is not so.

    The way their literature is written and the way people are slowly fenced in are obvious marks of a cult. A cult does not want to allow you to leave. Shunning is a tool of wickedness. If you were given a Bible to read, how many of the jw rules would you come up with on your own? Not very many, because they make them up as they go along.

    Another poster mentioned that those who are institutionalized for many years may lose the ability to live free lives in society. That can happen mentally to those who are inprisoned by cults. They lose the ability to freely think for themselves.

  • LongHairGal

    Wanderer (Rich):

    Why, yes it is a prison and definitely of the mind. But, if the mind is shackled, the body may as well be also.

    The first thing they do is try to make mental-cripples out of people there. It happens in degrees, but it does happen.


  • onacruse

    It's more like prison than the military: at least one can get an honorable discharge from the armed services--with the WTS, you're just branded a "felon."

  • heathen

    I think it's more like an international cult compound . They don't force you to eat the lousy prison food , unless you are saying the spiritual food amounts to the same and you are not locked away in a 10 by 10 cell every day and night . You are shackled to the WTBTS dogma and have no right to dissent , so free speach is taken away and the love is very conditional .

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