Keeping a blog about my new Russian Girlfriend!

by AlmostAtheist 13 Replies latest social humour

  • AlmostAtheist

    Hey All,

    I'm getting scammed by someone claiming to be a Russian woman on her way to the US to work in the medical profession. She contacted me through Yahoo Personals, where she claimed to be "Amanda" living somewhere near by. But her emails soon admitted that she was in Russia. And was named "Maria". Or sometimes "Masha". It didn't take long for "scam" to start rolling through my head. Once I confirmed it, I started sending her wild emails just to see if she was reading them. ("I live in a cardboard box behind a grocery store. I use the library for internet access, as well as for the bathroom facilities. Do you have a bathroom where you live?") It would appear that she isn't reading them. ;-)

    I'm having fun with it, but the point of the blog was to alert anyone else out there that's being scammed. And it worked! I got an email from a guy saying he was totally buying into it until he read the blog and saw her exact text to him, also sent to me. The text of her emails and my replies, and some commentary, appear in the blog. Pics too! (She's hot! [whoever she is])

    Here's the blog address:

    What I love about it is how well executed it is. Other than not reading my emails at all (which I think is a mistake) she (or he, or whatever it is) is brilliant. I look forward to seeing how much longer it goes on. Her story is pretty different than the one that wrote to Crumpet a bit ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same person.


  • lisavegas420

    I recently was scamming a

    Here's our correspondence...

    Subject: ATTN: CAN I TRUST YOU WITH THIS BUSSINESS...... FROM WATSON. ATTN: CAN I TRUST YOU WITH THIS BUSSINESS...... FROM WATSON. My name is Watson Hugh, an American Citizen . I work in the credit and accounts department of African Continental Bank International, Nigeria. I write you in respect of a foreign customer with a domiciliary account. His name is Engineer Manfred Becker. He was among those who died in te Belleview plane crash which happened on the 25th October,2005 in Nigeria. Since the demise of this our customer, Engineer Manfred Becker .I have kept a close watch of the deposit records and accounts because I was the Account officer, and nobody has come to claim the money as next of kin. He had only $18.5mllion in his a/c and the a/c is coded. It is only an insider that could produce the code or password of the deposit particulars. As it stands now, there is nobody in that position to produce the needed information other than my very self considering my position as the A/C officer. Based on the reason that nobody has come forward to claim the deposit as next of kin, I hereby ask for your co operation in using your name as the next of kin to the deceased to send these funds out to a foreign offshore bank a/c for mutual sharing between myself and you. At this point I am the only one with the information because I have removed the deposit file from the safe. By so doing, what is required is to send an application laying claims of the deposit on your name as next of kin to the deceased. I will need your full name and address telephone/fax number, company or residential, also your bank name and account, where the money will be transfer into and a copy of your passport. I am currently in Europe for a six months course, thou I have less than one week to be back to my station. Trusting to hear from you, You can still check the plane crash information at: http://www.cnn. com/2005/WORLD/africa/10/23/nigeria.plane/ Yours Sincerely, Watson Hugh.
    My reply: Dear Dr Watson, The question is Can I Trust You? I just received your email and I want to get back to you before I go to work. I just want to let you know about the way I do business. I don't just send my information to strangers. We need to develop a relationship of trust. I'm sure you understand. I'm kind, but guarded. Please be patient with me because I want to help you. If there is one word to describe me, it is "HELPING OTHERS". I hope you had a nice stay in Europe and I'll talk to you more when you get back to your station. I look forward in getting to know you. By the way, my name is, Kitty Pimplebutt. It's very nice to meet you Dr Watson. Sincerely, Kitty.
    Then his reply back:
    Dear Trusted Kitty Pimplebutt, How are you today? Please tell me why are you hanging this transaction on air without you replying my mail on the position of things as we agreed before moving into this profitable transaction. May i firstly assure you there are no risk involved in our arrangements here as we have carefully tightened up loose ends,Just keep all information about this strictly confidential so that it will be possible. I want to let you know we have at our end put necessary arrangements in place for immediate and hitch free conclusion of this business awaiting your full co-operation. This business which i brought to you is real and pure inheritance that has being in dormant account for some time and non of deceased relative have ever come arround for claim of these funds, I am only revealing this business to you as a secret and i am not intending to betray you rather to create everlasting business relationship between both parties sodo not betray me too.

    I believe we can honestly do business together with a clear terms of arrangement for protection of our interests. Be informed we are now putting together a working agreement which copies are going to be faxed to you by tomorrow or next for perusal and signing.As soon as the working agreement is signed and returned to us, We shall proceed with necessary arrangements for immediate and successful release of these funds in your name. I do not think i will gain anything or make any profit from wasting my time and money on communicating with you if i am not 100% sure of this venture ,but certainly there are good and bad business people world over, let me assure you on the reality of my proposition which i will prove to you soonest with your full co-operation.
    What i require from you basically to establish that you are the next of kin are as follows:- 1.Your full name/occupation/resident address.
    2.Your marital status and age.
    3.A copy of your passport or drivers licence.
    4.Most importantly your private phone number and fax for more briefing and easy sending of neccessary document concerning this transaction.All this requirement i will use it to register you as the beneficiary of the fund and filling forms that will back you as the beneficiary.
    I am sure you can appreciate the importance of a working agreement in a business transaction of this magnitude, atleast for protection of both parties interests.

    I am assuring you again that this business is 100% guaranteed, it is safe, legal and there will be complete documents of transaction to show the source and origin of the money going into your a/c. This is very important to avoid any problem Now that you have shown your interest i will now give you comprehensive details of the transaction and how we shall transfer this huge amount of money to you.
    Really, I don't know you before, i only asked my secretary to look for me a foreigner's email address in the internet, which she did without knowing you either. You know that this is a large amount and before i commence, i will like to know your capabilities to handle a large amount because i will not like to make mistakes because this opportunity will not come my way again. I am not trying to make experiment with you on whether this transfer will work or not. Am just an insider and also an account officer that know all about this fund.
    Before i go further with you, you have to be ready to move to the Foreign Payment Office as soon as the fund is approved for payment in your favor, depending on when the necessary documents is due for sign off. At the Foreign Payment Office you will be asked how you want the money to be transferred into your a/c, whether by electronics, by Check etc, and also they will ask you whether you want the money to be transferred in bits or the whole at one time.This is the payment procedures for beneficiaries with large amount.

    Note that this business will take one week and all the paper work of this transfer will be legally processed by the appropriate ministries here and will also be endorsed by the appropriate authorities here to prove that this money going into your a/c is legal and comes from good source, that is why You should not tell or alert your Bank yet that money is coming because they will begin to ask you questions which you may not be able to answer, until I ask you do so with the complete payment documents and clearance certificates to prove the legality of this money.
    I want you to cooperate with me, in full trust because the reason why I contacted you is because this business needs a foreign account with a foreigner as the beneficiary because the former account holder who died is a foreigner so this money can only be approved into a foreign account, and I don't know any reliable foreigner in my life, And i believe that you are God's sent in this business. Frankly speaking from the bottom of my heart my fear now is the security of this money in your custody once transferred into your A/C because I don't know you before nor your capability and facilities to handle this large amount,but I now trusting you by your words and trusting God that you will never let me down, I really want to know more of you and I will want you to keep it very confidential at all times because it is large amount and be sure that I will get all the neccessary documents to avoid any mistake and and we should be maintaining constant communications between us and you should note that this business should take precedence over any other business for the mean time. Now I need the A/C information as below and Tel Nos.both office and at home as a need may arise either to call you in the day or night to brief you on the progress as occasion warrants.
    Bank Name..........
    Address of the Bank...........
    A/C No..........
    Swift code................
    A/C Name..............
    Finally you have to be following instructions which I will be getting from our insider in the bank who is the main Key to the success of this Business.Pls respond without much questions until we see face to face because 'too many questions can sink a ship'
    Again,it's very neccessary that we have a heart to heart discussions regarding the onward funds transfer. This transaction is for "top Fliers and men of courage and if you are not competent well there is nothing i can do about it.
    I look forward to your earliest call/reply. call me using ++234 80 45 17 3656 to have direct communication with me.
    At the conclusion of this business, you will be given 20% of the total amount, 70% will be for me, while 8% will be for expenses both parties might have incurred during the process of transferring, while 2% for charity, as a mark of God?s gratitude for the blessing. Please send a comprehensive reply including when you will visit us here. Regards and reply urgently giving all information required. Kind Regards
    Watson Hugh G

  • Crumpet

    This is sooo funny - Kitty Pimplebutt!

    Dave - I can't believe that my darling Natalia has been two timing me with you! I think i might have to consider cutting her allowance!

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>while 2% for charity, as a mark of God?s gratitude for the blessing.

    Aw, he sounds like an honest, sincere guy, Lis'! Go ahead, send him your account info! I'm sure you can trust him!

    Why not suggest that the 2% go to the World Wide Work? That'll keep those nasty demonz off yer back!


  • AlmostAtheist

    >>Dave - I can't believe that my darling Natalia has been two timing me with you!

    No, Crumpet, I'm sure it's not the same girl. She said to me:

    "I want you to know that I'm chatting only with you Dave."

    So she's a one-mark kind of scammer. Kind of an old-fashioned girl. Refreshing, ain't it?

    The faithfulness of your lovely Natalia is beyond question!


  • Leolaia

    Did you check to see if you could find the scammer on this site?

    Here is another site:

  • free2think

    Sounds like the perfect girlfriend dave.

    Very funny Lisa, I think you should go for it.

    Dave - I can't believe that my darling Natalia has been two timing me with you! I think i might have to consider cutting her allowance!

    ROFLMAO Crumpet.

  • SirNose586
    My name is Watson Hugh, an American Citizen .

    Ah! Therein lies the difference! No red-blooded American would scam you. The very idea is ludicrous. Go ahead and give this man your money, he can surely be trusted and there's millions of dollars in store for you! How very convenient that an "American Citizen" would be working in Nigeria!

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>Did you check to see if you could find the scammer on this site?

    I just flipped thru the mug shots over there and didn't see her, but they all start to look alike after awhile. Nothing under the names she's give me, and they didn't have a search that I could find.

    Amazing that there are SO MANY of them.

    You know what would be totally fun? Spoof some emails so they end up trying to scam each other! Oh if only I weren't so lazy...


  • kwintestal

    Very funny, Dave.

    You know, I don't know why these internet dating services don't do more about these things. I mean, how hard is it to make sure someone's IP matches the area they state they live in?


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