try this

by BlackSwan of Memphis 28 Replies latest social entertainment

  • free2think
    11.406 seconds! doh!

    You beat me, damn.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    12.79 secs.

  • J-ex-W

    In about 4-5 min. worth of tries, the best I could get was exactly 13.5 sec.

    It's fun, though!!

  • RichieRich

    Perhaps this says something about the generational difference or something, but I lasted for 68 seconds.


    And particles is fun too... that's how I got through one of my computer classes in high school...

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Ok, the best I'm getting is almost 17.

    RR: it could be a generational thing, OR it could be you have awesome hand/eye coordination, not to mention excellent mouse control

  • poppers

    I made it to 17.829 - guess I'm not quite phenomenal, but pretty close.

  • bikerchic

    LOL that was fun!

    My highest score was 16.328.

  • mama1119

    AAAAAAAAAGGHH!!! I made it to 15 seconds. How addicting!!!

  • greendawn

    I suppose if you practice a great deal and can thus quickly predict where the squares will move next you can get 2 minutes, all I could get after about ten tries was 13.3 seconds. And after another five or six tries I got 16.9 secs, one has to be careful not to hit those damn walls.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Yeah, those walls keep hitting me

    I found another game to divert my attention:

    Fairy Fishing!

    It's pretty cute. Poor, poor fairies!!

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