I Lost Everything Today

by compound complex 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    I hope this situation turns around for you - like Mary said - step back and take a deep breath, clear your thoughts before doing anything.

  • Crumpet

    What a terrible way of saying thank you.

    I think you could always plead ignorance - say you didnt know it was wrong to pass on this information.

    Or you could also ask some questions about why it is wrong. Turn it back on them. You can still be repentent. You could even suggest that if they try to DF you that this kind of supression might be something the press would be interested in. Subtlety is the key. Give them the option of giving you a private reproof rather than causing trouble for themselves. ie "I wonder what the rest of the world would think if they knew that the leaders of this organisation punish its members for trying to help fellow suicidal members..." They will still keep an eye on you but nothing might happen publically which will protect your family members from this distress.

    What-a-coincidence - great article.

  • J-ex-W

    CoCo---------- I'm so sorry for your distresses. I hope damage wrought is minimal...and benefit brought, maximal.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Grateful thanks, Friends,

    I am breathing - deeply - and contemplating the words of Napoleon Hill [thanx, Abandoned] that opportunity can come as misfortune or defeat. My crazy friend is one to do the "Luther" thing - nail the complaints on the KH door. I am so passed speculating and trying to figure it all out. My backdoor, gentle approach would never shake up anyone.
    I'm thinking of Galileo, who was "persuaded" to renounce his findings about the universe. His predecessor - Giordano Bruno - was burned at the stake for insisting that the earth was not the center of the universe.
    All your comments have helped me to consider the options available. I realize that many of you are sharing your wisdom borne of pain. I am feeling better - thank you so much!


  • MsMcDucket

    Yep, like everyone has said "Just tell the 'brothers' that he's trying to take you down with him". Tell them, now, you know why you shouldn't associate with disfellowshipped people, and that you are sorry that you didn't listen to them.

  • moshe

    I have seen a Df'd person turn a JW in for apostacy to the elders before- They get a big power rush out of it, I guess. Ratting out people is ingrained by the WTS publications.

  • rowan

    deny, deny, deny. this is a DF person. sadly, from the borg point of view, that's lower than mildew. are you in good standing? be a major theocratic warrior and tell the elders in a judgedamental high pitched voice : "you know I would never contact a DF person. DF??? ppppfffff. what makes you think I would? I take good care of my spiritual health"

    did you send him handwritten material? was it dated? if, so, claim he/ she forged it.

    and always remember, you tried to do a loving thing.

    I hope this works right for you.


  • timetochange

    Once upon a time I too faced a similar situation, a betrayal by a witness friend. I refused to discuss my private conversations with said individual, the elders said they could not move forward with only an accusation and no second witness to said "illegal" conversation, me.

    They dropped it. Perhaps this is something you can consider.


  • Junction-Guy

    So sorry to hear this. This guy sounds like he is either plain nuts or is a traitor. If you need someone to talk to about this, or maybe help you work a game plan, then feel free to drop me a PM.


    CoCo..No sweat..The dude is a nutcase.Shrug your shoulders and shake your head.Act like you don`t know what his problem is..He`ll fall on his own Sword of Betrayal...OUTLAW

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