I just got back from my circuit assembly !

by 5go 98 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jinjam


    i'm sorry, but are you counting your hours on here or what, i thought only God knows when the end will come,(Only He knows)i thought we are not suppose to fear man!

    to me it seems you still believe that the borg is a direct channel from god,they are not fortune tellers, i believe that they are human beings who are power hungry, who have sometimes changed the rules to suit themselves, maybe you should read Crisis of Conscience and realise that they are human like you and me and nothing special.

  • Gill

    5go - I don't doubt what you say for one minute!

    Those of us who have JW family who still 'talk' to us, can sense changes in the wind....how they act, behave, look at us etc. When you add this to reading the literature of the WT, you KNOW that the WT is tightening up on its slaves and it will beat them harder than ever....and as stupid as they all are, the majority will just take the beatings and obey their masters in Brooklyn.

    Something is beginning, and I believe it is the beginning of a truly dangerous cult, instead of just a dangerous cult.

    Watch your families closely. I am 'behaving' very well at the moment and not mentioning anything at all controversial or challenging to my parents as I am fascinated at the changes I 'feel' are coming.

    Will my elderly parents actually refuse to talk to me and my sibling even though they may well need us a lot in the next few years?

    Something is afoot.

    We can no longer expect to see in writing what the Watchtower is up to as I believe that the truly important new and dangerous regulations will be delivered by word of mouth from now on as the Watchtower does not want to see its words, and is in fact terrified of seeing is words up on screen on the interent.

    The Big Squeeze is just beginning. Some will escape from the WT now that this bizarre behaviour is beginning, others may have the life squeezed out of them.

    2008 will be an interesting year in Watchtower history.

    I can smell the rank, rotting Bull Shit all the way in 2007!

  • 5go
    Those of us who have JW family who still 'talk' to us, can sense changes in the wind....how they act, behave, look at us etc. When you add this to reading the literature of the WT, you KNOW that the WT is tightening up on its slaves and it will beat them harder than ever....and as stupid as they all are, the majority will just take the beatings and obey their masters in Brooklyn.

    Yeah wasn't jim jones cult the people temple whatever rather big up untill a little before the move to jonestown and the move was because of people leaving so he wanted to tighten up his remaining flock for the end.

  • 5go
    We can no longer expect to see in writing what the Watchtower is up to as I believe that the truly important new and dangerous regulations will be delivered by word of mouth from now on as the Watchtower does not want to see its words, and is in fact terrified of seeing is words up on screen on the interent.

    Pretty much the only reason I stay that and I have a parent that I live with in. I want to help out but if I fell they go to far I am gone.

    My name go, 5go ( james bond theme in the back ground )

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    About four years ago, the District Overseer stated that every word that comes from the platform has the approval of the Society. He stated that was something like 70 eyes that look over the material before it's released (I'm sure that includes their attorneys). In retrospect, I wonder if it's just the outlines that are actually watched so closely. I suppose the speakers still have a little latitude on how they develop the outline.

  • undercover
    Im active enough to know that there was a talk about last week at the theocratic ministry school about how to help inactive ones, and speaking to inactive ones was suggested. They even went as far as to say that you should not be discouraging and say things like "where have you been".

    Surely you aren't implying that the WTS would never contradict themselves?

    Granted, it may be that the speaker got a little heavy-handed in his diatribe against inactive ones. He may not have been sanctioned to say what he did, but having been around the "truth" for many years myself, I know that it happens all the time.

    Second point, if there was a new "rule" not to speak to inactive ones this would have come via letter to cong, or in a watchtower, but never at an assembly. This post is false.

    The WTS has always used assemblies, conventions and traveling speakers to set oral rules that they would never dare to put in writing.

    The post is not false. It's possible, probable even, that the info posted is incorrect, due to either having heard it wrong or the speaker went off on an unsanctioned tangent.

    I agree that it is highly unlikely that a new "rule" about not speaking to inactive ones has been issued, but it is known that the WTS likes to set "principles" in place that eventually become interpreted as rules.

    Check out the thread on "banned" entertainment for an example of how JWs interpret suggestions and counsel as rules. It's mind control from a religious cult.

  • BluesBrother

    I must suspect that the comment is a line from an over zealous speaker rather than a real policy change ( I once heard a Circuit Assembly speaker say that we should never "share with the world" by watching TV. As a kid I waited anxiously for the ban to start, but of course it never did.)

    Perhaps 5go could confirm the talk title and the day it was given, and others can compare it if they go?

    An inactive publisher need not be an unbeliever. I can recall some heartfelt old "sisters" who would pipe up zealously for the "Truth"in their care homes , but as secretary I could not get a service report from them. Should they be shunned too?

  • Wafe

    Well, I still have some trouble believing it but if what you say is true it would explain some things.

    I have not heard from any of my friends in the last month and they know that I am inactive. If what you are saying is true that would explain why.

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    "The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."

    They know this. They are very, very careful about what they put into 'official' writing, because it affects everything from court battles (custody, divorce, etc) to how batsh#t crazy it makes them look when "interested ones" look them up on the internet.

    In academic, government, NGO and corporate research, there's this stuff called "gray literature." This is stuff that's not written 'for publication' - usually something gets written up because some department head or government agency wants more information on a topic, or a report gets written to summarize or justify how grant money was spent, or somebody writes a 'feel good' piece to get donors to pony up. It's all considered 'internal documents' and most of it never sees the light of day outside whatever institution it was written for.

    A lot of the info that gets put out and passed around in the bOrg reminds me of gray literature of a more sinister type (say, the type of internal docs that the tobacco companies used to write about how to get kids hooked on smoking), even though it's given from the platform and not in writing. What's 'officially' put into print gives them more deniability than what's said on the platform(s). It lets them prick the consciences of those who are trying hard, and tightens the bOrg's grip on their hearts and minds, but doesn't 'lay down the law' to the point that people who are teetering on the brink will say, "screw it, I'm outa here" the way that "official law" put into print would.

    Everybody here knows how JWs are taught to err on the side of caution and follow the strictest version of their understanding of JW law. We all also know that it's *never* 'just one assembly'...because they talk to each other and pass stuff around, and lots of them go to parts of more than one assembly or convention. It also lays the groundwork so that eventually, when and if it *does* come out in print, they can act like it's been this way all along, and the faithful rank and file will recognize it as such.

    So they get X% of faithful JWs to cut off association with 'inactive' friends or family, without "costing" the bOrg whatever it might cost them to say it officially in print, and lets those who wouldn't go along with such a rule the leeway of not following the 'suggestion' without having them actually break Ironclad JW Law - because the GB *has* to know that if they start breaking rules they'll eventually leave altogether, more than likely.

  • hamsterbait

    Caine -

    You can bang that drum as much as you like. There are plenty of rules in the Cult that are not printed, but prepetuated by comments in talks at assemblies and Kingdom Hells.

    I lived through the 1975 crap and we had talks on it at every ASSembly. The service committe knew about it and did nothing.

    Nowhere is it printed about beards, only being allowed to pray at the BS unless you do the national average of door to bore misery.

    Go look at the book "Life Everlasting in the Freedom of the Sons of God" - around page 36 is a chronological chart of important Bible dates.

    Against the year 2975 is printed "END of Christ's Millennial Reign". ( they do not say Armageddon will come in 1975)

    Note the WTBCS is too crafty to print what they want the gofors to think - they have plenty of mind control methods.

    This assembly point will be along these lines. Of course when presented with eyewitness testimony most true dubs just say it is a lie. Like 1975.


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