I am still trying to pay off bills my ex left when he did his rapid exit from our lives. Unbeknownst to me, while I was lost in my struggle with pain and its effects, he was busy accumulating enough debt to choke me speechless when it came time to try to sort out his messes. Joint account left overdrawn, bounced checks all over town, payroll advance loans and loans from friends and family all unpaid, a student loan disbursement used to leave the state instead of for tuition... I am still feeling the effects of his debting, redirecting the debtors calling about debt he has incurred since he left, arranging to pay of what I can on things he accumulated during the marriage. It's a mess.
However, for the first time in years my household bills are all paid on time and I am chipping at the past bills. Grateful as hell to SSI and ADC for supporting us, grateful twice over for a cheap (albeit fleabag) rental and for a brother who shares rent. Life is simpler now and I look forward to simplifying even more as I pay off the past due crap and am able to forget about that aspect of the marriage's failure.
Having two major surgeries has improved and simplified my life too. It was so worth the pain and inconvenience to have the hips replaced. It's much easier to think rationally when you aren't feeling bones grind with every movement.
Slowly, slowly, I am shedding past encumbrances, fears, pains, disappointments, and pointless debting. Simplicity is my goal. I'm not there yet, but then isn't there a cliche about success being a journey not a destination?
some say I've been simple all along...