I have wondered how JFR was able to support his wife and child, or did he even, he didn't work for anyone but the Society, so just where did he get his money????? Did he even support his family???
How did Rutherford support his wife and child?
by buffalosrfree 10 Replies latest jw friends
Alligator Wisdom
Does anyone here know what happened to the child and if he/she continued on as a JW?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
Merry Magdalene
from another thread:
Re: Rutherford Exposed: The Story of Berta and Bonnie
Post 8227 of 8970
since 01-Sep-02I never would have expected finding this:
What in tarnations was Berta doing vacationing in Hawaii with *gasp* Malcolm Rutherford!! What does this tell us about Malcolm's relationship with his father and Berta's relationship with Malcolm's father?
The plot thickens, yet again! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Judge's offspring was a son named Malcolm.Maybe the notes on Malcolm should be given a thread of their own, if they haven't already.
Lady Lee
I have an odd feeling that Mrs. Rutherford and Malcolm defected to the other side when Rutherford forced his take over of the WTS.
JFR was a master of the cover-up and scams. I would actually be very surprised if he supported either of them. Unless some court documents show up regarding a settlement of some sort we probably will never know.
Malcolm was not a boy when his parents split. So there would have been no reason to support him. I believe he was a stenographer for Russell before his death (see bottom right)
One possibility is that Mrs. Rutherford was cared for by her son. Just a guess on my part but they certainly didn't go to his funeral
Daddy Rutherford was on that ship too, along with Rutherford's new female "assistant", which raises the question in my mind of what the relationship between father and son was like in 1938.
I think Joe also had purchased that home in Monrovia where Mary was living in....it was interestingly located a very short drive from a world famous hospital in Monrovia dedicated to treating respiratory diseases. Joe, as we know, had a very serious bout with pneumonia and his lungs were in bad condition after his 1918 prison experience.