Specific banned shows, songs, etc...?

by AllAlongTheWatchtower 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hannah

    we should open a thread about urban legends of JW's as I heard exactly the same story about Zucchero that asked that all JW's had to leave the concert (otherwise the demons would not help him...)

    OMG, I heard the same story about a John Denver concert! My dad threw away my Pink Floyd album "The Wall" because of the pictures and my Eagles album "Hotel California". Then when he couldn't break it in half across his knee he was convinced it was demonized or something. Also, rumors went around our KH about Simon and Garfunkel's lyrics especially "Bridge Over Troubled Water". "Band on the Run" by Paul McCartney was bad too, but I can't remember why.

    As a kid my dad wouldn't let me go see Star Wars when it first came out...way back. We had to walk out of the movie Raiders of the Lost Ark. I wasn't allowed to go to any concerts because that was way too worldly and that isn't the type of environment a "christian" would want to find themself in. Also, I wasn't allowed to watch Planet of the Apes, Star Trek, etc.

    As my children were growing up, standards in our KH then were no Smurfs or Ninja Turtles. Toys like "trolls" were also no-nos. Some JW parents I knew in our hall wouldn't allow their children to play bingo games in their classrooms or learn about the olympic's history. Some wouldn't even tell their children their birthdates so they wouldn't be tempted. I always thought these parents were way tooooooo extreme. Come on, your birthday is a vital statistic afterall.

    How trivial this all seems now. Thank goodness I don't have to worry about these things any more. I'm FREE!! I'll go watch a R-rated movie if I darn well want to and listen to my AC/DC cd on the way to the theatre as I smoke my cigarette.

  • SirNose586

    The only thing that was specifically banned was Halo: Combat Evolved, from the PO.

  • StillGroggy

    Halo is a buzzword. The funny thing is that people condemn it because it's rated M but most dubs go to see bond movies which have tons of killing and fornication to boot.

  • mama1119

    I remember when the New Kids on the Block were hot, and all the girls in the circuit loved them. So, we had a local needs part on idolatry. I wasn't allowed to have one of those giant pins because it meant I was "idolizing" them.

    Then, in my teens, when Nirvana and Pearl Jam were big, they banned those. My parents tore my brothers room apart looking for the cd's. He had hidden them behind a picture in a frame.

    When "Interview with the Vampire" came out, they had a big local needs on that, because a bunch of kids had snuck in to see it.

    We couldn't watch Rosanne or Married with Children because the kids were disrespectful to their parents.

    No He-Man because he said he was "almighty". One time my non dub grandma bought my brother a He-Man sleeping blankets and my parents took it back.

    We couldn't read Grimm Brothers fairy tales...to mystical I guess.

    No smurfs...I wanted to watch them sooo bad. When my grandma would pick us up from school and my cousins would be at her house and since they were wordly they got to watch smurfs...and I hid my eyes the whole time, but I wanted to watch so bad!

  • undercover

    I was a teenager in the late 70s and witnessed the backward masking witch hunts first hand.

    This was the same time period when one particular circuit assembly had scathing talks on "debasing music" and the artists that performed such. While the talk was being given, copies of a list of bands, artists, performers was circulated through the audience (whether by the WTS or an individual, I never figured out) but the list was supposed to represent the music not allowed in Bethel and that all good little dubbies who wanted Joe Hober's approval would likewise follow the guidelines. Next to each artist/band was a reason why they weren't "acceptable".

    Some of the bands on the list were to be expected in that superstitous time, such as Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin. Other bands that were listed were the Beatles, the Stones, most of the other British Invasion bands, most of the "hard" and "progressive" rock bands of the 70s, lots of disco performers...but then there was a list of tame performers, some that have stuck in my memory were James Taylor (because he spent time in an "asylum"), Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin...(Sinatra had mob connections, Martin drank too much) and some country performers (song content...sex, drinking, etc).

    My record collection was purged the next day. I lost quite a few of my favorite albums.

    Ten years later, after I was married and moved away...another round happened and my poor brother had his album collection purged as well.

  • sir82

    About 25 years ago (ouch! dating myself) our CO played a snippet from Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust", then he played the same clip backward.

    The backward clip sounded something like this:

    "SNRGL flipfgk Urgugleoo"

    But he said they were really saying "Decide to smoke marijuana".

    O-o-o-h - kay....

    By the way, Terry Angelacos was the CO who did that - I know I've seen some other posters say they remember him.

  • undercover

    About 25 years ago (ouch! dating myself) our CO played a snippet from Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust", then he played the same clip backward.

    The backward clip sounded something like this:

    "SNRGL flipfgk Urgugleoo"

    But he said they were really saying " Decide to smoke marijuana ".

    LOL...I thought it said, "TRGRL milp gkl Orgugolleo

    But I do remember that happening here too. It was rumored, though I was not there, that the circuit assembly after ours had the speaker for the same talk play part of Stairway to Heaven backwards...but he got in trouble after the session because he had not cleared it with the DO.

  • DJK

    I heard this song this morning. It made #1 in 1978 after I left the JWs. I wonder what the JWs thought of it.

    I Believe In You Don Williams lyrics

    I don’t believe in superstars, organic food and foreign cars
    I don’t believe the price of gold, the certainty of growing old
    That right is right and left is wrong
    That north and south can’t get along
    That east is east and west is west, and being first is always best

    But I believe in love
    I believe in babies
    I believe in Mom and Dad
    And I believe in you

    I don’t believe that heaven waits for only those who congregate
    I like to think of God as love, He’s down below, He’s up above
    He’s watching people everywhere, he knows who does and doesn’t care
    And I’m an ordinary man, sometimes I wonder who I am

    But I believe in love
    I believe in music
    I believe in magic
    And I believe in you

    Well I know in all my certainty
    What’s goin’ on with you and me
    Is a good thing
    Its true
    I believe in you

    I don’t believe virginity is as common as it used to be
    In working days and sleeping nights,
    that black is black and white is white
    That Superman and Robin Hood are still alive in Hollywood
    That gasoline’s in short supply, the rising cost of getting by

    But I believe in love
    I believe in old folks
    I believe in children
    And I believe in you

    Don Williams Lyrics
  • DJK

    A song by the Divinyls called, I touch myself.

  • blondie

    I always sorted any comments into several categories:

    1) Named specifically in the WTS publications. I think the last movies mentioned by name were E.T. and Star Wars.

    2) Named specifically from the platform of a district convention/assembly. These tended to be official verbal sanctions.

    3) Named specifically from the platform of a circuit assembly by either the CO or DO.

    4) Named specifically from the platform at the KH by an elder.

    5) Named specifically off the platform to the rank and file by elders or "mature" JWs.

    6) Named specifically within families where parents made sanctions.

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