THIS IS A CAUSE WELL WORTH SUPPORTING;PLEASE VOTE IT TAKES ONLY ONE PUSH OF A BUTTON FOR A WHOLE DAY OFF WORK!!We have a real chance to make April 23rd, our nations day a bank holiday. If you are in agreement then please vote and also please send this to as many people as possible as it's all about numbers. There is a chance the public can make St Georges Day a public holiday (After this year) Click on the link below to vote, the site needs at least 500,000 votes for the government to take it seriously and give us another holiday, and I know you are up for that! forward on to your mates...
I have to say I'm not convinced a 3rd bank holiday in April is a great idea - I'd much prefer one in July for instance when its too hot to work anyway! But hell I'm not going to turn it down either!