I had three mini strokes last July. I went thru a lot of tests August thru November and nothing was found. This past Saturday, I had another one. My wife is nagging me to see the doctors again and I'm quite sure it will be the same waste of time as before. I have also resigned myself to the fact that I will either die or suffer a major stoke in the near future and there will be nothing that can be done about it. Any suggestions or experiences from anyone that might help me? Today they sent me home from work, they are afraid to find me on the floor. Stress seems to be an issue that cant be proven, I think.
Mini strokes-TIAs
by DJK 16 Replies latest watchtower medical
80 milligrams of asperin a day is supposed to help for that. My father died in january from a major stroke. He went fast.
I can't get into alot of detail, I reveal too much info about myself to begin with. But I can tell you that you can live a long life, with monitoring of the situation by medical professionals, in spite of your condition. Don't look for death around every corner.
I had a friend that endured mini-strokes for years. He refused to seek medical attention, and pased away 1 year ago, after about 4 years of suffering.
Seek medical help NOW...we want you to hang around for a while yet.
I know a woman who had TIAs about 9 years ago. She took about 9 months (??) off work to deal with them and then went back to nearly full schedule.
Last I saw/heard, she was doing well.
See a doctor. Follow the directions. Stay well.
My Grandmother is 84 and started having tia's about 18 months ago, the Dr.s were not able to find a cause. She stopped having them after awhile and is doing fine now.
My personal theory is that it was related to a fall she had a few months before they started.
The hardest part for grandma was that half the family freaked out and assumed she was dying. There was lots of sobbing and hysteria.. none of which was helpful to anyone!!
As far as I know she hasn't had a tia for 6 months now.
Stressing over when you will die is not healthy for you... any of us could die at any time, so why worry about it? Try to focus on what is most important to you, like spending time with your wife...or away from your wife, depending on how happy your marriage is My husband is disabled and will, in all likelyhood, die at a fairly young age. This is a topic I've spent some time pondering, to put it mildly. The conclusion I've come to is that this life can be snatched away from any of us at any time, so we need to live everyday like it's the last.
I wanted to add that I in no way meant to minimilize what you are going through. TIA's can be very frightning and I'm sorry you are going through this!
Has your work up in the past ruled out arrhythmia (irregular heart beats that can cause tiny clots), clotting abnormalities, chronic DVT's, carotid artery narrowing, severe hypertensive episodes, etc? TIA's can be a warning that you are at risk for "the big one", or can just be mysterious, frightening episodes that are called TIA's for lack of a better label. Your doctor should decide if aspirin therapy or some other anticoagulant would be helpful, or if some underlying cause can be treated.
If symptoms of a stroke (loss of vision, weakness in one arm and/or leg, speech problems, inability to communicate, etc) occur, go immediately to an emergency department. If diagnosed early, 'clot buster' medication may be used to restore blood supply to the brain before permanent damage occurs.
This is in no way intended to diagnose or direct your care, just my input as the nurse who administers those meds. See a real doctor!
still wondering
do you suffer from hypertension? this can be a major factor.
choosing life
I had a TIA and passed out. It can be very frightening. You have gotten good advice already about seeing a doctor and using blood thinners and keeping your blood pressure and choleserol under control. stress is also a major factor.
If you have another episode, it is best to go immediately to the hospital to prevent a possible major stroke and all the limitations that ensue.
Hope all works out well for you.