Faithful and Discreet Slave as Sole Channel?

by AuldSoul 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AuldSoul

    In 1930 more than 34,000 people professed to be of the anointed. They did not believe themselves to be the faithful and discreet slave, as a class; they believed C.T. Russell had been and that J.F. Rutherford had received the mantle from Russell; a modern day Elisha and Elijah.

    Jehovah's Witnesses now teach that the anointed alive on earth at any given time have collectively been the faithful and discreet slave as a class ever since 33 CE.

    Watchtower August 1, 2000, p. 6, par. 3
    As Head of his congregation, not only did Jesus keep a watchful eye on his anointed footstep followers on earth but, since the outpouring of the holy spirit at Pentecost 33 C.E., he has also used them as a channel of truth, as a "faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45-47; Acts 2:1-36)
    Watchtower May 15, 1995, p. 16, par. 2
    This slave could not be just one individual because he was to provide spiritual food from when the Christian congregation began at Pentecost until the Master, Jesus Christ, came to make an accounting. The facts indicate that this faithful and discreet slave class comprises all anointed Christians as a group on earth at any given time.

    How is it that this channel had no clue as to their own identity from 1879 until 1932, if God was actually using them as a collective group ever since 33 CE?

    This is a time span of 51 years during which the faithful and discreet slave could not even identify themselves as such; that's eleven years longer than the Israelites wandered in the wilderness. How is it that you can really identify them as the faithful and discreet slave today?

    The last article cited says, "The facts indicate that this faithful and discreet slave class comprises all anointed Christians as a group on earth at any given time." What facts indicate this?

    The FACTS indicate that if the FDS really is all anointed Christians as a group on earth at any given time, then the early JWs weren't anointed Christians.


  • done4good

    You know A.S., I know the GB may be somewhat of "captives of a concept", but the more I look back and read what they believe/used to believe I have to believe at some point they really are just telling lies knowingly. This stuff just sounds so rediculous reading it after being out for a year and a half. What a fairy tale.


  • AuldSoul

    Two other questions:

    Why wouldn't Jesus have informed them of their position as his faithful and discreet slave appointed over all his belongings at least when they were chosen by him in 1919?

    If Jehovah had been using them since 33 CE then why did Jesus need to "make a thorough examination" of the churches to find them; didn't Jesus even know his own brothers?

    If you would like a fairy tale version of JWs history (epic proportions) please consider the 31 articles available on the WT Library CD ROM appearing in each issue of the Watchtower from January 1, 1955 through April 1, 1956. Then compare these to the slightly less epic version of history found in the Proclaimers book. They were telling bald-faced lies about their own history in 1955/56.


  • AuldSoul


    Same feelings here, man. I was busily typing when you posted; it not simply coincidence that we both saw their view of themselves as comically fairy tale-esque—they have romanticized their own importance to the level of myth.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    If you want the stupid answer (which is the answer a JW would give) it goes like this:

    They where acting like a class even though they didn't know it.

    That was the response from a very well versed JW. I guess the idea is that even though they looked to C.T. as the FDS, they actually where doing it themselves anyway.

    Round and round goes the ferris wheel of logic.

  • nvrgnbk

    Why wouldn't Jesus have informed them of their position as his faithful and discreet slave appointed over all his belongings at least when they were chosen by him in 1919?

    Following the logic in drew sagan's comment:

    Jesus did inform them of their position in 1919. They just weren't spiritually mature enough to hear. Thankfully, in time they got the message in all it's radiant glory. And to this day we are benefitting from their loving watchcare. See. It always works out in the end.

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    And so the structuring of kingdom and slaves begins, oh glorious power, oh glorious power

  • AuldSoul
    nvrgnbk: It always works out of their end.

    I agree!

    [whispers from stage left]

    What?! That isn't what he said? Are you sure? Oh, okay.

    Sorry for misquoting you, nvrgnbk. But I really do agree that all their doctrine works out of their end. Their backend.


  • Zico

    The Society actually teaches there are 2 Faithful and discreet slaves.

    The 144,000 appointed individually from 33CE to Now.
    AND the Organisation appointed by Jesus in 1919, as represented by representatives of the 144,000.

    I can't understand how this makes sense, but it is their official position.

  • Pahpa

    Another puzzle in this convoluted teaching of the Watchtower is why the "anointed" members who are not of the Governing Body are "out of the loop" when it comes to decision making regarding the doctrines and policies of the organization. In fact, it is only a very small number of the "anointed" who directs and controls the entire organization including the other anointed members. So, how can it be said that all the anointed comprise the FDS class?

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