condescending as well I see
Terror Level - ORANGE!!
by badwillie 39 Replies latest social current
BlackSwan of Memphis
Hm orange?
Seems like it's been orange and yellow for awhile. At least according to my Google terror alert system:
Frannie Banannie
Frannie - don't you have some socks to darn, or a some stockings to knit Luv?
No. Besides, I crochet, but only when *I* want to, not when someone tries their insensitive remarks on me.
uall leave badwillie alone.
Frannie Banannie
uall leave badwillie alone.
Oh, nooooo, WAC. Since he's the one with all the "needles," perhaps he's the one who should be knitting, eh?
They'll get rid of the alert system before they go to anything other than yellow or orange.
Big Tex
Haven't you been here before under another account name badwillie?
How quickly we forget
Every time I'm about to go to the US, gas prices rise, and the terror level goes up.
Then they look at me suspiciously when I cross the border.
Then they look at my passport picture and this is their reaction....
whatever. the rest of the world has been on red for a while now.
isn't there some scripture about those who have power by the sword will die by the sword?