While speaking to my mom about some of the information I got on the WBTS she asked me if I got my info off the internet. My mother does not own a computer and wouldn't know how the internet works. Her question was very unusual for her. I was just wondering if the GB are pointing to the internet as a cause for concern among the active JW's? Have there been lots of talks on the dangers of searching for info on the net?
What is the borg saying about the internet?
by Mrs Smith 16 Replies latest jw friends
compound complex
Dear Mrs. Smith,
While I am not familiar with current and specific warnings from the pubs [gosh! I just don't read 'em anymore!], all the feedback here on JWD re: the net is that its use is certainly not encouraged - particularly anything JW- or WT-related. All info of a spiritual nature must be interpreted through "the divine channel" before ready for JW consumption.
I gave up the net once - about four years ago after a December KM's stern admonition against its potent dangers. Inactive now for almost 15 months, I'm definitely back on but always feel the need to "look over my shoulder." Normal people use it and think nothing of it, but for certain reasonable precautions, especially for kids. It is, after all, the information age. Information from the net that I recently sent to a DFd friend is causing me problems now. Nothing wrong about the info - it was meant to help mentally and emotionally abused JWs. But it's "bad" because it's critical of the WT and it's not from "approved" pubs.
Where would any of us be now w/o the net????Coco
Mrs Smith!
At the last district convention the JWs were warned about the dangers of surfing on the internet and stumbling upon Watchtower critical sites.This past December I tried to show my JW relative the errors of the Watchtower's ways and the first question she asked was whether I got my info from the net. That was when she told me that they were warned about it at the convention.If i am not mistaken, there was a demonstration about the dangers of surfing the net.
Seems as if JWD and other Watchtower critical sites are a huge concern for the borg.
compound complex
Re: Jake's comment on demo at DC:
I recall from a rundown on the DC posted here on JWD, that some young JW was surfing the net for info on Hurricane Katrina and stumbled upon a site critical of JWs:
'Hmm. Information critical of the Governing Body. I certainly don't need that!' [youth wisely and quickly exits evil page.] Mind control at its finest.
Can't you just imagine all the fine little Dubs chanting in unison, 'I ... don't need that! I ... don't need that!'Coco
LOL at CoCo!
It only takes a few objective articles about the society to be read for a JW to begin to understand that there are serious problems with it, depending on how much they can absorb. No wonder the society are petrified of this. Its going to be harder and hard to convert new people as anyone with a computer these days checks information on the net before making decisions - its become habit.
Want a recipe - surf the net.
What's those song lyrics - surf the net
Need to buy a present - surf the net
Want to get a good fair price for your car - surf the net
Want to book a cheap holiday - surf the net
Want to find out train times/flights etc - the net
want to plan a driving route - surf the net
Want to complain about a weird freaky cult cause they just called at your door - surf the net!
Mrs Smith
It's so sad! Without the info I found on the net I would still be feeling guilty for not going back to the borg. Even though I have not been to meetings for about 8 or 9 years I still thought they had the "truth" until I came across all this info.
Fortunately there are hundreds of sites on the internet that expose well just about every aspect of the JWs history, doctrine, behaviour so it's not surprising that the GB have demonised it to keep their members far away from it since they know they won't stay with them for long if they do a comprehensive study on them.
I was just wondering if the GB are pointing to the internet as a cause for concern among the active JW's? Have there been lots of talks on the dangers of searching for info on the net?
I think it's been several years since there hasn't been a talk at the assemblies about the "dangers" of the internet. The internet has become Public Enemy No. 1 in the GB's mind. Before the internet, they could still mostly control what information they wanted the R&F to absorb. Even if a Doubting Dub wanted to check out the Society's history at the local library, you always ran the chance of someone from the Hall seeing you and reporting on you. With so many having access to the internet from the privacy of their homes, the top goons can no longer control all their past blunders being exposed to "the ends of the earth" and they can't prevent anyone from reading it.
Had Ray Franz's story happened now instead of in 1981 when there was no internet, the fallout would have been a hundred times greater.
AK - Jeff
It's so sad! Without the info I found on the net I would still be feeling guilty for not going back to the borg. Even though I have not been to meetings for about 8 or 9 years I still thought they had the "truth" until I came across all this info.
An oft unmentioned benefit of this site and others is what you state. Those who have been 'out' often feel tremendous guilt for a long time due to the embedded concept that they left "Jehover and the troof". My sister had been out for 15 yrs or so when I left over conscience. She had left because she was tired of the routine and the pressure to keep up the pace. My leaving, and telling her what I know now, allowed her to finally quit living with the guilt and fear of Armageddon turning her to bird food/shit. I think this site has created the ability for many to rest with one's decision to leave. Those leaving over conscience are not the only ones who are straddled with the guilt trip they lay on us. Thanks to sites like this one we can get one with it. Jeff
This topic just drives me crazy! My jw will jump on the net for just about anything, even when choosing product B over product A because of reviews from individuals. Checks out anything from weather to hotels, you name it. BUT, can't go to anti witness sites because all apostates....blah,blah... all lie.... blah, have an ax to grind....