STAR CHART that will blow your mind!!

by magdalenefan 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • magdalenefan

    The Jews were astologers, they had to organize the encampment of the twelve tribes according to the zodiac. This is a lost art today.

    Try this website

    It is incredible. Enter your birthday, sex and and location, not time as they would ask.. This is no tabloid horoscope stuff, but it will show how the relative planets and moon positions, and stars helped shape your personality. Never failed to amaze my family. The Jews used astrology a lot, it helped identify ones strenths and weaknesses. This is free, and might change your life. You will get an incredibly long detailed report, just 30 seconds of typing. birthday, sex, and location. PS got best results actually NOT entering birth time or HOUR. maybe medicines affect the mother.

    Not a cheap tabloid horoscope, this is the real deal used for thousands of years with accuracy.

  • mavie

    Will it blow something other than my mind? Please?

  • Shazard

    Didn't fit with me... So again... astrology does not work :)

  • magdalenefan

    Mavie, aren't you the one that has traveled all around the world, seen so many different religions, you are the one that should know how important astrology is in history.

    Why are you being such a smart alecky. I offer a website for 10 minutes of amusement, heopefully amazement. Go watch your two hours of AMerican Idol then, I'm sorry, the Anatella girl is not on anymore. All over my front page news is her racy pics story.

    PS I got the best results NOT entering the birth TIME or HOUR, cause I think medicines given to the mother etc, affect it.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Maybe this is because I couldn't give my exact time of birth but some of what it said about me was right - some of it was grossly wrong!! In places, some of the comments contradicted each other.

    emo - still trying to work out how to be a peaceful loudmouth

  • magdalenefan

    Like I said, my family, we all got the best results entering time UNKNOWN, no matter what the web site says. Enter the birth DAY , location, sex, , IT worked for us when we put the checkmark in the time UNKNOWN

  • sspo

    Very Satanic

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Why do I feel like I am being yelled at to TRY THIS!!!

    I am getting very leery of these TRY THIS schemes. Too often I have to give some personal information that will result in hundreds of emails to PICK UP YOUR FREE SAMPLE.

    With identity fraud becoming such a huge problem these days I am fed up with this stuff filling up my inbox and not knowing just where my information is going

    Sorry not for me

  • Xena

    You don't give it an email address...all you have to give is a first name if even that, a birth day and birth town.

    I found it interesting, thank you for posting the link.

  • SixofNine

    If you're born underwater do the tides affect your personality? I understand the tides of March are a real bummer. :-D

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